Chapter twenty six- Sebastian

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I was in the kitchen making Ivy and Claire tea, placing two mugs on a tray.

Claire reminded me of Ivy so much, they resembled one another completely. Each sharing the same grace and elegance in the way they spoke and addressed people.

I think that Claire liked me, at least i hoped she did. I liked her daughter way too much, to just give up on.

I picked up the tray and carried it back through to the living room.

"Would you mind getting some sugar?" Ivy and Claire asked simultaneously. 

I laughed and headed back to the kitchen. 

They could practically be sisters.


As i grabbed the sugar and walked back, i paused in the hallway, as i caught their conversation.

I knew that eavesdropping was wrong, but i couldn't ignore what they were saying.

"You haven't told him have you?" I heard Claire say.

"Told him what?" Ivy asked.

"About Jason."

Jason? Who the hell was Jason? Ivy had never mentioned him before.

"Of course i haven't told Sebastian." Ivy replied.

I thought she trusted me? What was this even about?

"But don't you think---"

"Mum, please." Ivy firmly said.

"I'm sorry. I just don't want you to have another relapse." Claire finished.

Relapse? Had something happened to Ivy?

My throat tightened in pain. I let out a deep breath.

I'll have to talk to her later about it, and clear everything up.

I carried on walking, and held up the sugar when i entered the room.

"Sorry, i couldn't find it for a while." I laughed.

Claire laughed too. "There are a few cupboards."

I looked over at Ivy. She was extremely pale. It looked as if she was going to collapse or something. I was extremely worried.

"Ivy. Are you alright?" I asked, stroking her back.

She flinched, then glanced at me, smiling. It wasn't a real smile though. It was as if she had been somewhere else for a moment then. 

Somewhere that involved Jason.

"Yeah, i'm great! Sorry zoned out for a minute then." she replied, way too happily.

I knew that she was hiding something, and it was killing me because whatever it was, it was making her upset and i couldn't bare that.

"Hey mum, i'm going to go and lie down for a bit. I don't feel very well." Ivy said, she got up and left the room, without even a goodbye to me.

I really wished i knew what she was thinking. Her mood had completely changed since the mysterious Jason was mentioned. Maybe he was her secret boyfriend.

"Is she okay?" I asked Claire.

"She'll be fine. I think she's just exhausted, that's all." Claire smiled. 

Her face looked worried though, even when she was trying to mask it with a smile.

"I'm just going to check up on her quickly." I said.

"If she doesn't say much, don't be surprised. Ivy sometimes gets in these phases where she pushes everyone away. I know she cares about you a lot, but she can still get upset." Claire explained.

Every time i had seen Ivy she was bubbly and content. Apart from at the drama block, when she was drinking vodka. 

I guess when she said she was trying to forget about things, maybe it was linked with Jason and her relapses.

I nodded at Claire and stood up from the sofa making my way upstairs, to Ivy's room.

God, i hoped she wasn't crying, because it would break me seeing her hurt. I clenched my jaw, thinking that the reason she looked so pale was something to do with Jason. 

I pushed open her door and there she was in a heap on the floor, and there my heart was, crushed, by how empty she looked.

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