Chapter seven- Ivy

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I almost kissed him.

What was i thinking?

Did he even want to kiss me? i mean i thought he did, but then he moved away at the last minute.

I was sat in the passenger seat of his car, heading back. I was speechless.

I wish i had kissed him. 

I didn't even know he had a girlfriend. Maybe i could ask him...No. That would be stupid. 

"Thank you for this, today. I mean, it was fun." I said.

"That's ok." He replied, clearly speechless too.

We were pulling up to my house. I gave him the number. 

The car stopped fairly abruptly outside. No lights were on in the house. I was alone.

I slowly got out the car, so did Sebastian. He lingered by his car.

"Erm, so i guess i should go. Thanks again." i turned to leave.

Erm, so i guess i should go. What the fuck was that?

"When will i see you again?" He suddenly asked.

A smile spread across my face. I turned in his direction, trying not to fall over.

"Do you want to see me again?" i teased. 

Well it came out in a teasing voice, but really i was being dead serious. 

He leant of his car and stood up straight, with his hands casually  in his pockets. 

Sebastian, you are gorgeous.

And so cool.

"You know i do." He replied.

Excuse me what? i nearly choked on my saliva. My insides were fluttering with butterflies.

"Then i'll see you soon, Sebastian." I smiled and headed back to my house.

I fumbled for my keys, feeling his gaze on me. 

"I'll make sure of it, Ivy." I heard him call out.

As soon as i was in my house, i let out a breath i didn't realize i was holding. 

Where did this guy come from?

All i knew was that, i couldn't wait to see him again. 

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