Chapter Fifty-Four | Hester House, April 1998

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Chapter Fifty-Four

Hester House, April 1998


Winston’s greenhouse was full to the bursting of magical plants, and Hazel sat in the centre of it all. Two white wicker chairs were set up in a small clearing, a little table with an clear teapot with and ornate silver top between them.

Hazel sat in one of the chairs, picking a large orange flower bud from above her head. Her long cream dress fell to the floor, lace shoulders revealing long faded scars. Hazel hadn’t worn this dress in long time, not since she’d stopped hiding the ruts in her skin.

“Good morning Hazel.” Charlie had pushed aside a large leaf and entered her little haven, his red hair almost the same colour as the flowers surrounding them.

“Charlie, you look nervous.” She observed, pulling her bare feet up onto the chair.

Charlie shrugged, noticing Sonia sat in the same way – she was more like Hazel than she thought. “A little.”

“Take a seat, Charlie.” Taking off the top of the teapot, Hazel waved her hand over it briefly and soon the water was steaming. Taking the largest of the orange flowers she placed it in the water, letting it sink to the bottom. The bud rested in the centre of the clear teapot, its petals slowly unfolding and growing to reveal a sun centre, staining the water a deep sunset orange.

Sitting across from Hazel, Charlie watched with the same wonder he had as a child as the flower grew and flourished in the dark water. “I will never get tired of that.” He said.

“Neither will I,” said Hazel, pouring the tea into two delicate cups “But I probably won’t get to enjoy such luxuries for much longer.”

“What do you mean?” asked Charlie, giving her a startled look.

“Nothing you have to worry about just yet,” she said calmly “Now, why don’t you tell me why you’ve come to visit?”

“Well -” clearing his throat Charlie sat up straight. “I wanted to ask you for Sonia’s hand.”

Smiling, Hazel sipped her tea delicately “Very gentlemanly of you Charles,” she said “And why do you want to do that?”

Stomach twisting nervously, Charlie cleared his throat again and ran a hand through his hair “I – well, we’re going to have a baby for one.”

“I was never married and I had two babies.” She pointed out “Should I have married my abusive lover Charlie?”

“Of course not!” he cried “I love Sonia, Hazel – I love her more than I’ve loved anything else before. It scares me how much I want to just keep her safe and with me at all times. I want to marry her not because it’s the right thing to do but it’s what I want to do.”

Sitting very still for a few moments, Hazel slowly smiled “You may ask my daughter to marry you, Charlie.” She said quietly “And I’m sorry that I teased you there, but I’ve had a rough week.”

“It’s really okay with you?”

“Yes, of course it is.” She said “And though I have no doubt that you can keep up with her, I wanted to see if you can counter her fierceness.”

“I will happily battle with her for the rest of my life.” He beamed “And I’m sorry you had a bad week.”

Hazel sighed and reached up to pull down a large white blossom, breathing its heavenly scent in deeply “I had a run in with the twins’ father that’s all.”

“Does Sonia know?” Charlie asked after a minute, watching Hazel closely.

Closing her eyes, Hazel took another deep sniff of the flower “No, and I’d appreciate it if you kept this between us, Charlie.”

“Of course, Hazel.” He said, standing.

“Now go ask my daughter to marry you,” she smiled, nestling down into the chair.

Charlie thought she must have gone to sleep. He had never seen her so peaceful, light filtering through the greenhouse roof casting speckled patterns over her face. Her scars were visible beneath her sleeves and on her bare arms, and Charlie leaned over and pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek.

“Thank you.” He whispered, leaving her to sleep.

A/N: There was supposed to be a second part to this chapter, but I'm making it its own chapter because I feel like it.

Question: I don't know really, just what do you think of this little convo between Charlie and Hazel?

I've had a traumatic past few days folks, sorry...I'll be back to normal soon hopefully. 


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