Chapter Forty-Eight | Hester House, November 1997

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Chapter Forty-Eight

Hester House, November 1997


            Hester House was quiet except for the pitter patter of rain against the windows, lit softly from within. Two figures moved inside the cavernous sitting room, freezing when a knock came at the front door.

“Nobody should be here,” said Sonia, rising from her seat and abandoning her book.

“I’m coming too, Mum said we weren’t expecting anyone.” Andrew followed, his features appearing sharp in the low light.

Sonia peeked out the window, gasped and unlocked the doors with a flick of her wand and threw herself at the soaking wet person on their porch. “Ronald Weasley we thought you were dead!”

Ron hugged her back, grinning foolishly over her shoulder “I’m fine Sonia.” He said “Alright Andrew?”

Andrew smiled tiredly “Yeah, fine. Come in, before someone sees the light.”

Tugging Ron into the house, Sonia took his enormous rucksack and sopping coat. They wove through the house to the kitchen, were she put the kettle on with a whip of her wand.

“Where have you been Ron? Where -” she looked around, noticing suddenly the absence of most of the trio “Where are Harry and Hermione?!” Sonia cried, rushing about the kitchen. Andrew shook his head at her, sitting across from Ron at the kitchen table.

“I left them.” Said Ron, voice gruff.

“Ronald how could you –” Sonia started, abandoning the tea to glare at her old friend.

“I went straight back!” he cried “But the minute I left I ran right into a gang of snatchers and – and – well, I wasn’t right in the head. The Horcrux…it makes you dark.”

The twins froze, both expressions darkening “Did you say Horcrux Ron?” Andrew asked gravely.

Ron nodded “That’s what we’re after. You Know Who made seven, we’re looking for them.”

Sonia sat down too, looking very pale “We know.”

“You know?” asked Ron, obviously surprised.

The twins nodded and Andrew leaned forward “Mum told us about them, for school. She also knew You Know Who wanted to make them, but – well, she never said whether he succeeded.”

“Oh, he’s succeeded alright.” Ron frowned “Where is Ms. Bowen anyway?”

“Uncle Winston took her out of the country,” Andrew said, running a hand through his pale hair “Reckoned she would be safe with relatives in Sweden.”

“No one is safe.” Said Ron, accepting a cup of tea from Sonia. “I’m just glad you two are okay, there are death eaters and snatchers all over the country – have you seen Mum by the way?”

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