Chapter Thirty - One | London, August 1996

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Chapter Thirty-One

London, August 1996

            Andrew had always loved London. It was so busy and full of people, more people than Andrew had ever been around in his entire life. On rainy days when Hazel thought they were holed up in their room, he and Sonia would sneak out and wander the back streets. He knew it was wrong, that his mother would be furious – but he couldn’t resist the city.

It was a rainy day in mid August when he fled the Hester grounds, after spending ten minutes pleading with Sonia to come with him; she didn’t do anything these days. She just stayed in her room, ripping up travel books and smoking fake cigarettes. Andrew hated to see her this way, which is why he thought he’d tempt her with a trip to the city.

But Sonia hadn’t come, so Andrew went alone. He Disapparated into an alleyway, feeling nauseous after the spinning. He turned around and let out a yell as he came face to face with a freckled girl.

“Are you a magician?” asked a pair of thin pink lips, with a set of startling green eyes to match. Those eyes were wide and slightly turned inwards, sparkling with curiosity – as if she’d just caught him doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing. Which she had.

Andrew froze beneath that jade stare, wondering how he could out of this. He could simply obliviate her, that would be easiest; but she was pretty, and this wasn’t the face of a tattle tale. His brain seemed to have melted.

“Well, are you just going to stand there? Answer me.” She tilted her head to one side “It’s rude to stare you know.”

Shaking his head slightly, Andrew brought himself out of his daze “Er, no I’m not a magician.”

“A sorcerer then?”

“Um, sort of?”

She pulled a face “You’re not one of those loons who go around pulling change out of peoples ears, are you?”

Unable to help himself, Andrew smiled “No, I swear I’m not.”

The girl’s suspicious look vanished, replaced with a dazzling smile and a set of slightly crooked teeth “Great. I’m Amara.”

“Andrew.” Said Andrew, shaking the hand she offered. Her skin was soft, nails were all bitten down to the very end; she had chipped purple nail polish that occasionally spilled onto the sides.

“Would you like to get a tea, Andrew?” Amara was already walking out of the alley, long cinnamon braid swinging behind her.

“I – uh – sure.”

Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled and lead him into the crowds “Oh good. I know just the place – follow me.”

Feeling adventurous, Andrew did just that.

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