Stupid Fights (Michelangelo x Reader)

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Mikey had been acting strange these past few days.

To be honest, your boyfriend was kind of strange everyday but this felt…different. He would be quiet more often and almost always had a weird look on his face. Like he wanted to say something but he just couldn’t say it.

Mostly, he just kept talking about your apartment. If you liked it and perfered living alone. And why you didn’t spend more time in the lair.

“I just thought we could hang out at my place more.”

“What’s wrong with my apartment?” you asked.

“What’s wrong with the lair?”

“Nothing! Nothing is wrong with your home, Mikey.”

“Then why isn’t it yours too?!”

You paused, looking up at your boyfriend. His blue eyes looked fierce as he returned your stare.

“Mikey? Is that why you’ve been acting so weird? If you wanted me to move in, you should have brought it up.”


Before you could react, Mikey had stormed out of the window and vanished into the dark city. You watched him as far as you could, your eyes beginning to welling up. When you could no longer see him, tears began to fall…

Three days later, you were sitting in bed, staring out the window as you worked on another scoop of bubblegum ice cream. Fights with Mikey always left you sad and mopey and oddly hungry.

Suddenly, two figures dropped down onto your balcony. You stood up in shock as Leo smiled weakly and Raph gave you a nod.

They motioned to the window and you quickly let them in.

“What are you guys doing here?” you asked.

“Nice to see ya too.” Raph replied sarcastically.

“Now isn’t a good time for one of our little chats, Raphael.”

“Actually, Y/N, that’s why we’re here. I know whatever goes on between you and Mikey is none of my business…but he’s upset. And I know that you miss each other. I guess what I’m trying to say…”

Leo glanced at Raph who then said,

“Ya gotta talk to each other. Poutin’ ain’t gonna help ya.”

You looked away from the brothers, thinking. You did miss Mikey and you wanted to make up…and talk about things. You knew that they only had your happiness in mind.

“I’ll be there in an hour, okay?”

Leo smiled and said,

“Thank you, Y/N.”

You shooed them out so you could get cleaned up and ready to go. An hour later, you were showered and out of your Snoopy pyjamas and had just entered the lair.

Leo looked away from where he was meditating and nodded towards Mikey’s door with a smile. You knocked on the worn wood, listening carefully.

“Go away.” a muffled voice said.

You opened the door and said,

“Mikey?” in a small voice.

The blankets shuffled and shifted as Mikey sat up.


You came in and closed the door. As you sat on the edge of his bed, you were quiet for only a moment before you both started speaking.

“Baby girl, I’m so sorry-”

“It was stupid to fight with you and I-”

“I never meant to hurt you-”

“Shouldn’t have ignored you like this-”

“And I love you so much!” You said together.

He pulled you into a hug, clutching you to his chest.

“Oh, angelcakes. I missed you.”

“I missed you too, honey. And if you wanna talk about me moving in with you, we can do that.”

“I just wanna hold you right now, baby.”

You kissed his neck and stayed right there for a while:

Holding each other like your lives depended on it.

A month later, your apartment was nearly empty. It took a lot of planning and some minor construction in the lair, but in the end, you had decided to move in.

Now you were standing in your nearly empty room with Mikey, just having packed the last box.

“That’s the last of it, honey. I think we’re good to go."

“Not yet, baby. There’s one last thing we gotta do.”

Mikey grinned as he picked you up and dropped you onto the bare mattress. He leaned over you and said.

“I wanna rock this bed one last time, Y/N. Whatta say?”

You smiled and kissed him, pulling his bandanna.

“I’ll take that as a hell yes.”

You gasped as he slowly kissed your neck, working his lips just so…


You closed your eyes as and made his way lower and lower before pulling the strap of your tank top away.

Something told you were in for a wild night…

TMNT x Reader Imagines // Book Two.Where stories live. Discover now