Chapter Thirty - Four | Hogwarts, August 1996

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Chapter Thirty – Four

Hogwarts, August 1996


            The BlackLake reflected the few lights of Hogwarts on its surface, briefly showing Severus Snape’s swift form as it passed. He climbed the hill to the large oak doors and walked in without a second thought, making his way to the large Griffin statue that would take him to Dumbledore’s office. School would be starting in a few days, and he knew the headmaster liked to spend more time than other teachers preparing.

It had been only half an hour since Hazel had taken the twins away.

“Lemon…drops.” He said, as if even a Muggle sweet made him want to vomit of the headmasters stoop.

The door to the office swung open, revealing Albus Dumbledore sitting quite comfortably in a large plush purple chair of velvet, sipping a cup of hot coco “Well I’m not surprised to see you Severus,” he said idly, marking his page “Hazel owled me with the news. What did you think of your children?”

Severus wanted to scream at the old man, shake him and curse and send him hurtling out the window. “They are … just as I imagined. Smart and cunning, and … kind, like her.”

“And of Hazel? She has changed, hasn’t she?” he smiled in that irritating way that made you think he knew something you didn’t.

“Yes.” said Severus coolly “She has in some ways, and in others … not.”

Dumbledore chuckled “She has grown a thicker skin over the years about you Severus; I would not cross her.”

“She mentioned that Sonia was … delicate?”

“She lost someone very close to her.” Dumbledore said softly, standing and moving across the room to his desk “Losing ones godfather – who acted as a father – quite young can be traumatizing. You’ve seen the effect it has had on our young Mr. Potter.”

“Who was Sonia’s godfather?”

“Did you never realize?” handing him an old photo, Dumbledore watched Severus closely “Hazel made Sirius Black Sonia’s godfather, and Remus Lupin Andrew’s.”

Severus didn’t know what to think as he looked down at the photo of his daughter, most likely fourteen or so; Sirius Black’s arm around her shoulders. His old bully was a father to his daughter – and he was nothing.

“This is not how I wanted my life to go.” He said quietly, watching his daughter smile. Severus had never seen her smile at him, he realized. “I was going to win Lily over, and somehow have Hazel too and have children that I would raise and know and teach – instead I have this.”

Dumbledore gave Severus’ shoulder a little pat of sympathy “You tried to love Lily and be with Hazel – instead you lost them both, and your children in the process. The world isn’t fair Severus, so you must try and do as much as possible to make the best of it.”

“That is terrible advice.” He muttered gloomily.

Shrugging, Dumbledore retreated to his chair “But it’s true.”

“Maybe she was right,” Severus mumbled, looking out the windows at the grounds “Maybe I should just stay away.”

“Maybe.” Dumbledore said mysteriously, and went back to his book.

A/N: Oh Dumbledore. You're so vague with your little sympathy pats and meaningless advice. You should write a book.

Question: Do you think Severus should stay away?


P.S Check out my tumblr for all things this stuff: RosesRealityWattpad

Go. I get creative. Sort of not really.

P.P.S Also I know the video doesn't match the chapter but I'm super proud of it so here.

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