{Chapter 61 - Finn}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

[ a month later ]

"Jack." I tapped his shoulder lightly, feeling his slightly toned muscles underneath the blue cotton t-shirt he was wearing. I shuffled in my seat. My hips turned so I was facing him at a better angle.

Sean's closed eyes signaled he was asleep. Not a twitch, not a spasm, barely any movement of his chest rising and falling with each intake of air such was the depth of his existence. This was a body totally at peace, at rest, at one with itself, rejuvenating the mind and muscles before the onset of yet another day of turmoil. Who knows what else we have to go through. This whole month has been nothing but hell. Complete and utter hell.

"Sean, come on. Wake up. We have to get going." I sighed, shaking him a little harder than I did before. I smiled, remembering how deep of a sleeper he was.

The smell of the airport wasn't pleasant, but it was comforting. I knew we were moving far, far away from Robert and his goons. I'm sick of hiding, but this is how it is now. We will live our lives in fear of another, breathing human being. A shiver ran through my body, shaking my muscles gently and my emotions violently. I'm over this and have been over this.

Jack opened his eyes slowly. The sun peeked in the airport window, lighting his faded blue hair like a fiery halo. He changed his hair a few days ago to help us stay hidden. I can't get used to it and I miss his green hair. I'm sure his fans do too. I lifted my head from his shoulder since he finally was going to awake from his nap. His nose sniffled, getting a whiff of the airport food in the person's hard behind us. The suns vibrant rays sent a glossy, gold sheen all around the room, blending with the sight of freedom through the gate doors. The sound of planes leaving must have helped him wake up.

"Good morning, Jack." I snickered since I knew it was a joke. I placed my head back onto his shoulders.

Jack checked his phone and laughed. "It's three in the afternoon, silly." His arms shot into the air as he yawned. Jack's mouth widened and let out the tiring breath he's been holding in.

I closed my eyes, feeling the sun's afternoon rays warming my body. I felt Jack's arms cuddle around my torso from the chair next to my shivering body. The air vent from above blew cold air, causing me to lose precious heat.

"We can move seats, you know." Sean's soothing but obvious words rolled off his tongue. My eyes were closed but I can still see him moving his lips. He must have felt me shivering.

"I'm too lazy. Not moving." My eyes stayed closed and my inner lazy teenager from years ago was emerging from the shadows.

"Lazy as always, Addy." His chest moved from the light laugh he made.

"Nothing has changed." I mentioned but wished it was true.

Everything has changed. Nothing will be the same after we board the plane sitting outside, ready for takeoff. I picked up my head from his shoulder yet again.

"Flight 1578 to Berlin is ready to board. Seats A1 through A30 is welcome to board at this time. Thank you." The female flight attendant announced over the loud speaker.

"Ready?" Jack asked me with hesitation.

"As ready as I'll ever be." As cliché as that was, it was completely true.

"Have a good flight, Addy. I'll see you in a few weeks. I hope." Tears sprung in his eyes. Seeing him cry, made me want to break down.

"I don't have to go, Jack. I really don't ha-" He cut me off mid sentence with his lips colliding with mine.

I couldn't help feeling the adrenaline of my heart when he first took my hand into his in this moment. I felt so protective and secure in his presence that I hadn't taken much notice of where he was leading me. I wanted to have a quick goodbye so I wouldn't miss him as much, but when he leaned down to my ear and recited one of the most romantic poems, I couldn't help the blush and the sound of my heart pounding inside my chest, to hide the fact that I already fell too hard to not miss him. He was my game console and I was his controller. We made the perfect couple even though both of us were far from perfect. He glued me together again and again before I was broken beyond repair. He spoke every word with affection; however, the three I wanted to hear were the ones he said the most. I love you, were the only words I wanted to hear in the world. I love you, was the message of him being mine and me behind his.

He looked into my eyes, our heads were the same level. His eyes were the color of the shade present in the sky on a sunny day. They emphasized on the freshness his appearance gave to how special he really was in my eyes. I held his hand in my own. From the pressure of his hands, I could tell he was as nervous as I was. We didn't want to be separated but it was for the best right now. For our safety. No one else would understand. I wanted to feel him around me but I wanted him to be safe. He wasn't safe with me right now.

His lips reached my jaw, tracing the lines of my ear to my collarbone. I couldn't stop my heart from pounding in my chest. My blood flowed rapidly in my cheeks, making my face as red as they were the first time he kissed me. I lifted my hands out of his, and pulled them up high to his shoulders, where I entwined them with his soft, newly dyed blue hair. I chuckled since it marked something new in his life. Jack put his hands on my face and kissed me.

"See you later, Addy. I love you." Without another word he walked off with his head in his hands.

"Bye, Jack. See you later. I love you, too." I knew he didn't hear me and I'm sure he didn't want to.

I grabbed my bag and stepped on the bridge to the plane.

Being kidnapped by him was the best and worst thing that had happened to me.



CHILL THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL :) it will be called "Running from Him"


Ahh here we are after so long! I haven't been writing at all but I'm here now after a few months. I'm here to stay! Anyway, yes there is a sequel coming. Give me some time! Hope you all are well and enjoyed my first book. It's been a ride. I love you all, see ya in the next one!


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