{Chapter 45 - Someone New}

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-=Sean's Point of View=-

My feet hit the hard surface of the cement street. I felt pieces of gravel skid over the ground as my feet kicked them away. My mind was elsewhere, not cerebrating or fixating on what was going on around me. The street lamps illuminated the path around the vicinity. Nothing was around. It's just me, myself and I. My negative and nagging thoughts tried to take me over, but I was not having it.

I didn't know how far I walked from home. I kept ambulating, virtually zombie-like, down the street that was a few miles long. Words that were verbally expressed between Addison and I raced around in my head. I couldn't help but laugh, not knowing what to do with myself. It's not like I was going insane again, that wouldn't be practical. I've felt better about myself lately and I do not want to ruin that improvement.

I needed to stay above the water instead of drowning myself again.

I decided to travel to a near by bar. Why not be a stereotypical Irishman and drink my sorrows away? Addison made another desire to drink themselves away. I heard about the whole Mark and drinking thing. The only distinction between the two situations was that I didn't have a disease that kept me from consuming the whole bar. It was sad, really.

I shook the thought. I'm just going to have a few drinks and listen to the band playing. I think it is necessary to have a night to myself after the events that have occurred tonight. 

"I hope she's having a good time with Mark." I said to no one in particular. I scuffed since everything was most likely going great. I bet she's in his arms right now, letting him back into her life. I was speaking to myself. My feet kept shuffling along the rigid road to my weakness.

I didn't find myself drinking all that much on a regular basis. This was not a regular occurrence in my everyday life. I didn't find drinking to fix everything long-term. It might make you feel better while you are buzzed, but it actually could make things worse. You don't know half the things you do when you are under the influence. It's established, I will only be drinking a small amount. Just to enjoy myself and have some alone time.

I adverted my gaze to the watch strapped tightly to my right wrist. The black and sleek face stared right back up toward me, telling me the time was 12:34am. My breath came out since I was relieved. The bar was still open. I kept going on my way, step by step.

The building I was looking for was finally in my sight. The old-looking brick walls were able to be seen since the outdoor lighting was on. Plants and other garden-type decorations lined the stone walkway. It was really aesthetically pleasing. A sign stood tall right next to the structure. The bright lights made the sign extra noticeable. "Grover's Bar & Grill." The sign clarified the name. It was more a bar than a grill. My feet took to the entrance.

The stone path lead me to the doorway. An arc lined the top of the entrance way. It was beautifully designed and made the place look older than it really was. The brick even looked worn down even when the bar wasn't that old yet.

I came into contact with the bar's front door. The brown painted, wooden door faced me as I reached down to twist the dull and very used golden door nob. When the door swung open, a crowd of different people sitting around a rather large bar was revealed. Laughs and a large amount of talking filled the space, almost consuming every ounce available. Many individuals either came with a group, met new people or arrived alone and planned to stay that way. I didn't expect the second one.

I took a seat at the end of the bar since all the other stools were occupied by other customers. The soft padding in the chair caused me to relax. It felt good after walking the distance. My aching leg muscles started to become relieved.

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