{Chapter 46 - Not Even to My House Yet}

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-=Sean's Point of View=-

My mind kept thinking about how to keep a conversation going. Never in my life have I wanted to be interesting to talk to and a cool guy. I needed this to go well since I felt like I could tell her the Addison situation and not be judged since she's not biased. Something about Leona made me intrigued also. She would be a great friend to have in my life. I hope she believes I will be too.

Three empty glasses of Bloody Marys sat next to my bowl of buttery and salty popcorn. A red film coated all of the glasses from the tomato juice. I asked her to keep the alcohol light so I could enjoy the drink multiple times. I felt a slight buzz but nothing over the top. My hand reached down toward the red bowl of buttery heaven and picked up a handful of popcorn. I proceeded to pop a few into my mouth. The taste of salt hit my taste buds. I enjoyed this immensely.

My voiced hummed along with the song the band started playing. It reminded me of the band I used to play in back when I was younger. I could almost feel the drum sticks in my hands, twirling in the air before hitting the drum set. I used to loved to play. I smiled at the thought.

Old memories that were running through my head were interrupted by an innocent blonde woman tapping my shoulder. She stood behind me. It was gentle but alarming enough to get my attention. "Hey, my shift is over. Want to head to my place or your's to talk? I have to close up shop here." Leona's eyes poured into mine. My mouth automatically formed a smile. Her presence made me excited to talk to her.

I still don't know why I'm so interested in her.

I rose from my bar stool, placing my two feet on the ground. I nodded since I understood. "Sure, I'm down. Can we go to your's? I have guests over at mine. I hope it's not too much." My hand travelled to the back of my neck, rubbing nervously. The air became cooler, sending chills down my spine. Either that or I'm growing more jumpy by the second.

Leona chuckled lightly since I was a tense mess. "I don't mind at all. Don't blame me for the small mess that's there since I wasn't expecting company. Take care of the place, Dan!" Leona called out to another bartender after informing me she was okay with it. She took one last glance at the place before motioning me to the back door of the bar. We both walked, side by side, in silence. It wasn't uncomfortable. It was more serene.

As the back door opened, the wet and cool Ireland weather came into contact with my skin. I sucked in a breath, adjusting to the change of temperature. Leona kept leading me to what I assumed her car. Our steps made crumbling noises on the gravelly concrete parking lot. I kicked a few away from our bodies.

"Did you drive here?" She asked while unlocking her small and slightly worn car. The Ford symbol was shown off below the trunk of the car. I could tell it was a 2003 Ford Taurus model. It seemed like it was still in good condition for it's age.

"No I walked from my apartment. It's a few miles South from here. I don't own a car plus I needed a little walk." I shrugged while shoving my hands into my medium wash jean pant pockets. Leona nodded, giving me a smile.

"I understand. You can ride with me. Sorry for my old car. Wait a second, let me uh, do something first. Turn around." I could tell her cheeks were flushed. It was so obvious you could see it in the barely lit parking lot. I shot her a confused glance.

"Turn around?" I questioned her instructions. A sly smirk automatically formed onto my face. It was almost like an instinct. I still didn't understand why I had to turn around.

Leona was getting more embarrassed by the second. "Please, just do this for me." Her voice sounded like she was pleading for mercy.

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