{Chapter 48 - Hospital Again}

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-=Mark's Point of View=-

The familiar putrid smell of disinfectant cleaner hit my nose as my eyes began to flutter open. A bright light burned into my pupils, making me groan in displeasure. I did not know where I was at first. My mind was disoriented and I felt like I just got run over by a bus. Sweat covered my entire body and it trickled down my forehead. I refused to completely open my eyes all the way since the light was invading my retinas. Muscle aches decided to affect my entire muscular system, leaving me not wanting to move or rise from my current position.

I felt dead.

"Mr. Fischbach? Are you awake?" An unfamiliar female voice alerted me. I felt my eyes spring open quicker than I could mentally process what was going on. I let out a confused noise before propping myself up on my arms. I grunted in pain and laid back down on my backside.

"Please, stay laying down. I don't want you being uncomfortable or rip your stitches." The same voice almost demanded.

I was in a white hospital bed. Everything in this room was white. It felt so empty and depressing. The feeling of confusion filled my mind. I tried to remember the reason to why I was here in the first place. It was some case of memory loss. My mind wouldn't let me recall the events that had taken place before. I started to grow frustrated with myself.

Wait a second.

I was in the hospital again?

I scanned the rest of the room until I was stopped by a doctor. I remembered she asked me a simple and obvious question. "Yes, I'm awake. Could you please tell me why I'm here?" I asked and then sighed since I felt stress begin to ache my body even more than it all ready was.

"My name is Doctor Collins. You can call me by my first name though, which is Amelia. I can inform you that you were found by a woman laying unconscious in the back part of a park near by. You had a bit of trauma. Many stab wounds were identified on you arms, torso and leg. If that woman did not find you sooner, I don't think you would be here right now. You're very lucky, Mr. Fischbach." Amelia informed me on the situation. It all started coming back to me. It all came back so fast that I couldn't think in complete sentences.

Talking to Addison.

Felix was with her.

Hugging Addison.

Felix saying things that set me over the edge.

Punching Felix.

Felix on top of me, stabbing my body with a knife.

Passing out.

I gulped as my body broke into a cold sweat. My breathing increased as I began to have a panic attack. My body feels tingly and I get dizzy. I feel like ice is running through my veins. I want to run away from my body but I can't, of course. I begin to have very shallow breathing since my lungs couldn't take in the amount of oxygen I needed to stay alive. I was going into a complete panic. Beeping from the machine beside me started to go out of control. It feels like my throat is being choked. My arms start tingling because I'm breathing shallowly and not getting enough oxygen, which of course panics me more. My heart was racing way to fast to be healthy. It feels like every wall is closing in towards me; like I can't see straight and my vision suddenly becomes spotty. I wanted to scream for help but didn't have the ability to.

"Mark! Calm down or else you're going to hurt yourself. Listen to me. Listen to the sound of my voice. Everything is going to be okay. You are safe and sound here. Nothing can hurt you. Just control your breathing. In and out. Inhale, count to three and then release so you can exhale. You can do it." The soothing voice of Doctor Collins filled my ears as a nurse pumped something into my IV with a syringe. In the matter of minutes I was relaxed and able to talk normally. Amelia stood by my bedside.

"I'm sorry." I apologized for my sudden freak out. I didn't have a clue why I felt the need to.

"No need to say you're sorry. It's not you're fault. When you're up for it I wanted to ask you for something. I feel wrong and awful for doing so." She looked away from my eye contact. Her deep brown eyes stared at the floor.

"I'm fine and don't mind at all." I shifted around in the rock hard bed. You'd think they'd make these more comfortable to sleep in considering patients were always staying here.

"Alrighty, then. Well, my daughter is a huge fan of you. Her name is Olivia. She's always on the computer watching your videos when she has the time. She knows a lot of them word for word and has some merchandise from your website. Not only does she do that, she has multiple fan accounts for you and your friend Jack. Olivia makes these edits things and writes fan fictions, as she calls it, everyday. It would mean the world to both of us if you'd give her your autograph." Amelia's voice sounded bright and bubbly when speaking about her daughter. I smiled as she explained how much of a fan Olivia was. I really did not mind.

"I don't mind at all, really. I actually am very flattered and would love to give you my autograph. She seems very active in the community. Tell her thank you." I told Doctor Collins with the biggest smile. It showed my teeth.

She almost jumped for while taking a piece of paper and a pen out of her pocket. "Thank you. I really am grateful for this. I can make her birthday perfect this year." A childish giggle errupted from the doctor.

I quickly laid the paper against a clip board that was provided to me. I signed my autograph with no trouble since I've preformed it many times before. I handed everything back to her. "I'm glad I could help." I felt overly tired as I relaxed.

"You can get some rest now. Thank you again, Mark. I will be in again to check on you later." She smiled and then exited the room.

I needed to sleep since this day has been emotionally exhausting. I closed my eyes slowly and felt reality drip away.


Hey everyone!

How is everyone doing? Good I hope!

I wanted to thank everyone for 200 followers. I am extremely grateful and can't begin to explain how it makes me feel so thank you.

Anyway, sorry this chapter is kind of crappy. I needed to put this in to explain how mark was doing. It was needed.

I love you all.

Have a nice day / night.

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