{Chapter 35 - Bright Light}

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-=Mark's Point of View=-

I slowly lifted my heavy eyelids and as the strong smell of anti-bacterial cleaner filled my nose. My mouth was dry and swallowing wasn't helping at all. I was laying down, in a bed it seemed, and the room was bright. Light from the window reflecting off the white walls, making me want to close my eyes again. I felt like I had slept for years, but I was still tired. Moving was a challenge since all my limbs felt like concrete. I heard the beeping of a machine and slowly turned my head towards the source of the noise. The muscles in my neck were stiff and sore.

I attempted to open my eyes again, but completely failed. A bright white light blinded my eyes and wouldn't allow me to open them. The steady sound of the random beeping filled my ears and started giving me a headache. I groaned in response as I shifted around in the bed I was in.

Where was I?

"He's waking up, oh my God." A familiar voice sounded flustered and shaken. I couldn't put my finger on who it possible could be. My eyes finally adjusted to the light. "Doctor! Nurse! Someone, he's awake!" My eyes landed on my editor Matt in the doorway with tears streaming down his rosy cheeks. Doctor? Why was he calling for a doctor? Then realization hit me like a truck.

I'm in the hospital.

I closed my eyes so I could process what happened and what is happening. Memories of excessive drinking and throwing empty glass bottles on the floor flooded my fuzzy memory. The numbness I once felt was gone. The pain was back but this time it was stronger than before. It was like a punch in the stomach.

"Matt? What's going on?" Tears welled up in my eyes, forcing to break through.

"Oh, Mark. You're alive." He sighed after his statement. "I came over to visit you last night. When I walked in, you were on the floor unconscious and barely breathing. Your breaths were shallow and short. Broken glass, beer bottles and liquor bottles were all over your apartment. How much did you drink?" Matt's eyes were red from crying.

"I honestly don't remember how much I drank. I just-" I was cut off by a man with a white coat walk into the room. His footsteps sounded heavy as he walked to my bedside.

"Hello, Mr. Fischbach. Good to see you're awake. I'm Dr. Smith. I overheard Matt tell you how he found you. I have the reason to why you were in this condition." The doctor started to explain.

"Please tell me why." I rested my head back and waited eagerly for his explanation.

"Since you were consuming alcohol, this happened. Your body cannot take the substance. It blocks your intestines and causes many problems in your digestive system. It is like poison and will kill you if this happens again." His voice sounded cold and had no emotion linked to it. I guess doctors don't have any sympathy toward upcoming alcoholics.

I took a breath and nodded to show I understood. It explains why I feel awful when I drink any amount of alcohol. I'm basically poisoning myself. I planned to never drink again. The only thing that was bothering me was I had to find another way to get the pain away.

"You can be discharged today, Mr. Fischbach. I'll sign the paperwork and you can be on your way." Dr. Smith flashed a fake smile.

"Aren't you a ray of sunshine? Thanks, doctor." I scuffed but thanked him before he walked out. I turned to Matt. His face told me he was utterly pissed off.

"You could have died, Mark." His eyes glared at mine. "That man saved your life. He deserves to be respected. And you deserve to not hurt yourself like you did."

"How was I supposed to know I had this problem?" I waved my arms in the air while rising from the hard bed.

"I'm not blaming you for that aspect. I'm blaming you for even drinking as much as you did. Why did you do that? I need an answer. It's a problem." Matt's fists clenched together. Rage coursed through his veins, causing him to become angry. I didn't blame him at all.

"You wouldn't understand, Matt." I threw on the clothes set on the table after taking off the pale and hideous hospital gown. I stretched my body since I felt like I've been laying down forever.

"I wouldn't understand? Try me." His voice softened. I wasn't ready to tell him my situation.

The drab grey colour of the hospital walls never fail to throw a bucket of cold water over my spirits. That all-too-familiar smell that hospitals have floats around in the air like a constant presence, never wanting to go away and leave me alone. I felt the same way when my father was cooped up in a place like this. Bad memories stormed into my mind. I'm starting to think if I'm stuck in this room for any longer, not only will I lose my sense of smell; I might start losing my sense of humour as well. I have to get out of here as quickly as possible.

"No. Just take me home." I walked out the hospital room's door and into the hallway. Matt's voice telling me to take it easy trailed behind my moving body. The same boring color lined the hall of this hospital. My legs slowly took me to the elevator that was right down the hall. My head felt light and dizzy, almost uncontrolled. Matt followed me, watching my movements like a hawk. We exited the floor we were on and did the necessary steps to be discharged.

"You've been off lately. When I'm editing your videos I even see a low amount of energy from the footage." Matt poked at me.

"It's nothing. I'm fine, okay?" My voice snapped. I lied to his face.

"That's exactly what people who are not fine say. I know you too well. Something is so off!" He sat in the driver's seat.

"Get off my back, alright? I can't do this right now." I looked out the window of Matt's car. The hot Los Angeles sun beat down through the glass. I felt the light heat up my skin, causing me to sweat. Matt didn't answer the rest of the drive home.

The drive was awkward and silent. The silence gnawed at me, making me more uncomfortable. When Matt pulled into my apartment complex, I thanked the heavens. I let out a short breath as I unbuckled my seatbelt.

"Thank you, Matt." I turned to look at his face. He just looked ahead of him, clearly not happy with me.

"For what?" The words were barely a whisper.

"For saving me from dying and being a good friend. I'm just in pain right now. I don't know how to explain it." My fingers ran through my messy hair.

"Just talk to me, Mark." Matt begged me to open up to him. I couldn't wrap my head around doing this. He can't know about Jack and Addison. He would probably take the information to the police.

"I just can't." With those words, my hand pulled the door handle so the door opened. I took my body out of the car and to the door of my apartment. I looked back at Matt. His face was in his hands so I couldn't see his expression.

I walked in without doing anything about it.


Sup reader~senpais. Nice to see all of you!

I hope you all enjoyed. Welcome Matt to the story. He won't be a major character but he still will be here. Just floating around like the cute chicken nugget he is. XD

Anyway, hope you have a nice day / night! I love you all.


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