{Chapter 54 - I Gave Up}

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-=Mark's Point of View=-

My feet stumbled upon the crooked roads of Ireland. The sound of loose gravel crackled under my step. I didn't know where I was going, but I kept walking anyway. The hospital told me I was fine and discharged me, claiming they needed that room for another patient. Now, I don't have a roof over my head or any of my belonging. After I was knocked out, the only thing left with me was the clothes on my back. I internally hated myself for not booking a returning ticket to Los Angeles.

My head started to spin as my heartbeat pumped in my chest. I could practically hear the sound all the way up in my head. I didn't know what made me feel like uneasy, but it worked.

I gave up.

All the stress, anxiety, and depression finally was too much. I was in misery. My cheeks were stained with tears. Suddenly I fell into an involuntary sleep. I felt my body collide with the curb beside me. A sharp pain pang through my body but soon disappeared as my consciousness did the same action. All thoughts, worries, problems and people were gone.

Everything was gone.

My mind was tangled. The dreams I was having were too real. I couldn't be sleeping or in a natural deep slumber. This was way more than that. After my mind finally went back to the place it's been searching for, I realized I was in a pond. My body was swimming freely in a clear body of water. I was still dreaming, of course. Eventually, I lift myself out of the water and into the part of nature. Trees and grassy woodland surrounded me.

I turned back to the water and bent down into one knee. I looked to see my reflection. I was beautiful. My eyes were a soft chocolate brown instead of the hardened dark chocolate ones I'm used to seeing. My hair had streaks of ocean blue instead of my usual red ones. Suddenly I was floating. I was in a fetal position and I had no control of where I was going. I was being carried by an invisible being. I couldn't see what was happening or what was going on in front of me. Before I could say anything, I was carried away from a serene place. I looked up and saw the monster had green hair and blue eyes.

Something about it took me away from something I wanted. It took away the serene thing in my life.

With each turn this creature made, I became more confused. Dark stairwells leading up, and stairs leading down into darkness. Corridors with few windows and only occasional candles or torches. With each step I became more afraid. Every step, every breath I breathed, seemed to echo through the halls. Statues and paintings seemed to follow me with their eyes. Hallways that ended without a door, forcing even the monster to retrace their own steps. There was no sense of direction, it seemed as if she were going in circles. Some doors were locked, and some doors opened into dark, seemingly empty rooms, but I knew one thing. I was unsure, and afraid.

We proceed into the room that seemed even darker than the others. It was empty as if it was how I felt. Tears began to drip from my eyes and onto a random service. The monster decided to look for an exit, but what is outside may be more dangerous than what is inside. I was afraid to go forward and afraid to go back, and terrified to stand still. In some ways, I was finding comfort in this monster holding me. Then from the other end of the long corridor I saw a light coming towards myself and the monster. Was it a lamp, a flash light, it was too small to be a torch. Was someone holding it, was it a spirit? Was it there to help me, or would it just illuminate my horrible demise?

Should we run towards it or away from it?

Should we hide or scream for help?

I couldn't decide.

My mind couldn't take this anymore.

It came closer and closer. I froze, my heart seemed to pound right out of my sore chest. I couldn't take her eyes from it. It was so beautiful in it's own way. There were no sounds of footsteps as it approached. It didn't bounce as if someone were carrying it. It seemed to float through the air, closer and closer. My mouth opened as if to scream, but nothing came out. I wanted to run, but my legs wouldn't move. The fear of the unknown scared me more than anything.

Absence of self-confidence in the universal life environment is the essential reason of fearing the unknown. Fantasy ideas about what we have around us and poor knowledge conditions are determinant factors. Of course natural preservation causes a sense about relative darkness in an universe full of suprises and potential causes some fear in everyone who are also in a situation of unknow expectance. We don't know what's coming out way and not being able to plan on it can arise in some people.

It sure does for me.

The light got closer, so close it lit the darkness around me. A face began to appear and a shape began to appear out of the light.


She was my light in the darkness.

Jack was the creature taking her away from me. My serene place.

"Mark, wake up. Come on, you're not dead. You're breathing. You're hearing me now and are strong enough to stay. How'd you even get on the street?" Her voice was echoing in my head. Soon enough it woke me up.

My breath began to steady as my eyes fluttered open. Addison was on her knees by my side. Her hands were on my semi-muscular chest and neck, most likely feeling for a heart beat for pulse.

"You're awake. Welcome back, Marky." Addy called me by her old nickname for me.

"You are the reason I'm still here." I touched her cheek and stared into her eyes.

I couldn't believe what I did next. She couldn't either.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed! This took a lot of thinking and writing. It's kind of shorter but it was hard to write and create. That's why it took so long. I relate to it a lot.

I love you all! Thanks for even more support. You make me so happy.

I love you all and you're all gorgeous.

Have a nice day / night.

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