{Chapter 13 - Goodnight}

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-=Mark's Point of View=-

I put my hands under Addy's back and legs and picked her up bridle style and walked to the bed in the guest room. Her body was limp because she blacked out. I looked down at the bed and set her down as carefully as I could. How'd I get into this mess?

I felt so guilty because I hit her. When I felt my fist hit her, fear flooded my emotions. I meant to hit Sean but she suddenly got between us, trying to defuse the situation. I rubbed my eyes since I haven't received any quality sleep time. My body didn't function correctly when I didn't get my beauty sleep.

I looked down at her beautiful face. My heartbeat increased and I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Crap. I think I'm falling for this girl. We've talked so much while being stuck in here. I rubbed the back of my hand on her rosy cheek gently. Her face was so soft and had dried tears on them. Addison's face also had old marks, scratches, scars and bruises from abuse from her father, Sean and now me. She doesn't deserve this life at all. I'm going to get her out of here.

Her soft curly hair was now frizzy and distressed. The bags under her eyes were probably bigger than mine. Gosh, she was so beautiful even in this state.

My head turned and my thoughts we're interrupted when I heard the door open once again. The knob turned and I saw Sean enter with an ice pack in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. He smiled, showing his teeth while handing me the cup of goodness. I returned a small smile and said thank you. He then made his way over to Addison. He gently put the cold ice pack on her forehead. Sean's eyes looked at her with such guilt but with a hint of enjoyment. It's seemed like he was torn between keeping her here against her will or letting her go. I could very well see he caught feelings for her as well. A ping of jealously hit my body.

My attention then went to the coffee cup in my hand. The heat was radiating off the glass and onto my hand. My hand has dried blood on my palms from wiping it off my face. My trust was broken with him so I looked at the coffee and asked, "What'd you put in here, Sean?" I expected something weird was in here.

He pealed his eyes away from Addy and responded, "Oh, It's a secret recipe," he chuckled, "in all seriousness I put cream, sugar and a new... ingredient I heard about. I tried some and I enjoyed it a lot." He turned his head away from me so I couldn't see his expression or read his eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows and shrugged. I couldn't think.

I started to raise the cup to my lips and was grateful because I haven't had coffee in awhile. My eyes were heavy and I wanted to be alert enough to watch over Addy. I took a sip and and the warm liquid rolled down to my stomach. I groaned because it tasted so delicious. Coffee never has tasted so good. Sean looked at me and snickered because of the audible noise I just made. I rolled my eyes and kept drinking my hot drink he gifted me with.

I sat down on the opposite side of where Addison and Sean were sitting on the bed. I put the now empty coffee cup on the table beside me. My butt hit the soft surface and I almost fell asleep right there. The covers were over Addison at this point. Jack was sitting there, just staring at her unconscious state. I saw a single tear roll down his face. He saw me staring and I looked away quickly.

I laid my head on the wall behind me. I heard a bump noise when my head connected with the wall. My vision was going blurry and my head felt fuzzy. I tried to get up but my body didn't want to move. It wasn't coordinate with what my mind was telling it to do. That little shit put something in the coffee, didn't he?

My voice was stuttering and breaking. "S-Sean. What's going o-on? I can't think straight! Y-Y-You did something to m-me!" I managed to get out.

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