{Chapter 8 - My Hero? More Like My My Villian}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

*Trigger warning! Kidnapping, abuse and domestic violence warning. If you are triggered, I suggest not to read.*

The moment I woke up, I knew something was off. The moment I knew something was off, I knew I was in trouble. The hot tears of realization burned on my cheeks. They were fresh because I couldn't stop sobbing.

I was kidnapped. That word echoed on my head. As it echoed, my body shuddered with fear. Not only was I kidnapped, it was my hero that did it. My hero? More like my villain.  Yes, he was now my enemy at this point. His eyes looked so hardened and cruel. Unlike the Jack I knew on the screen, whose eyes were joyful and full of positivity and passion. I rubbed my eyes with my shoulder to get the blurriness away.

Sean left the room after he told me welcome. It was far from a warm welcome. I wasn't looking forward to his reappearance. I did a few hours ago when moving out of my parent's house. I rested my head on the wall behind me. My head bumped the royal blue colored walls. My eyes trailed the room, looking at every detail. The bed looked like it was a queen size and it had a white duvet laying on top of it. The pillows were neatly arranged at the head of the bed. My eyes scanned the pillows. There were simple ones and some with a Septiceye Sam printed on it. I closed my eyes and tried to picture the sweet, Youtuber Jack who cared and didn't hurt people. I couldn't take in any more details.

My head pounded. My eyes were as dry as a handful of sand from a sandbox. I wish I could have something to drink or eat. My stomach growled at the thought.

I thought I could trust him. He's been my pride and joy for so many years. I prayed to my mother to give me some strength. I needed it immensely at the moment.

Sean lived in an apartment building. Maybe if I scream, someone would hear me. The thought sounded like a splendid idea. I screamed bloody murder, the noise piercing my ears. I halted when I heard footsteps coming from the hall outside the door. This was hell on Earth. I gulped at the thought of what Sean would do to me after what I just have done. Before the door opened, I noticed sound proof foam lined the room. The cheeky bastard.

Suddenly the door flew open, revealing an angry Jack with messed up green hair and bloodshot eyes. The hands were curled into fists and his expression yelled pissed.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?!" He screamed at me. The tone of his voice was enough to make me want to cry even more. I wanted to live and get out of this.

"Trying to get the frick out of this hell hole! You're a freak! You're crazy." I returned. A smile crept on his lips. It wasn't the happy, Irish one I was used to. At that point, I knew I was especially screwed. I regretted every word I just spoke.

"Oh, sweet Addison. You're never going to leave this 'hell hole' as you call it. You're never leaving me." His voice sounded like he was serious. I wanted out. I wanted the chance to live and love someone. To have kids and get a job. To go to college. Live out my dream of being a doctor. Most of all, I wanted to see the light of day again. It was dark in this room. The blinds were closed shut.

Tears threatened to spill. I screamed again, hoping someone would hear me. Sean the slapped me across the face. Bad memories started coming back into my mind.

{Addison's Flashback}

"D-Dad... Please stop. You're hurting me." I weakly said. My eyes went blurry with tears. I was laying on my side on the wooden floor of our living room, taking the beating my broken father was giving me.

"It's your fault she's gone! All yours! If you weren't born, she'd be here, loving me! She wouldn't be in some after life." He cried out. His words hurt more than the physical pain he was making me receive. My eyes slightly opened when the slapping stopped. My face burned with injuries. My mental state went to crap. This isn't something a teenager should go through.

I slowly pushed myself off the ground. I turned and saw him sobbing in the corner of the room. This living room never looked so gloomy. The grey couch had a splatter of my blood on it. I gulped wondering what part of my body that came from. I snuck by my dad and into the bathroom.

My aching hand reached for the handle. I opened it and stepped inside. I closed the recently opened door and locked it. I flicked on the light and my eyes adjusted rather quickly. I looked into the mirror and cringed. How was I suppose to explain this to others? My friends would ask questions. I've cut my friends off for this reason but one kept by my side. His name was Robert. His hair was brown and so were his eyes. The braces on his teeth were coming off soon. He was very protective and I was grateful. Hopefully he wouldn't ask many questions.

I felt the bruise on my right cheek. I flinched and looked at the cuts on the other cheek. I took a medical kit out of the cabinet and disinfected it. This wasn't the first time.

{Addison's Flashback Over}

My awful memory was interrupted by another blow to the face. I cursed under my breath because the pain was unbearable. His hand must have left a hand print since I felt every inch of it collide with my fragile face. I looked up at him and he showed no emotion. Rage was growing in me but I was also used to this feeling.

"You're just like my father." The words left my mouth before I even thought about them. I saw a flash of remorse enter his eyes but it quickly faded.

"Good. At least you know who is in charge around here." His voice echoed in the room. He threw a water bottle, a bucket and a sandwich at the space in front of me. Sean leaned down and looked into my eyes. I thought he was going to speak but I was wrong.

He undid my hand restrictions and retied them in front of me. I tried to slap him before doing so but his grip was too tight. His fingers gripped my hands in a rough way. I flinched at the contact and that caused a chuckle to arise from his mouth. He was enjoying this. I could tell. I was not, obviously.

"Consider it a gift. You can eat a bit easier now." His face was facing the door at this point so I was unable to read him. He was a whole new person. He walked out of the room. I heard the lock click. It locked from the outside? Damn it, he was somewhat intelligent.

I grabbed the grub laying in front of me as best as I could given my current situation. My stomach growled with hunger. I didn't hesitate to eat it as fast as I could. I was clueless when it came to him taking away food from me. It was safe to just eat it all at once. I drank some water to wash it down. I let out a breath of satisfaction. My quench was sustained.

I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. I couldn't because I heard crying coming from outside my door. My eyes shot open.

"I feel so fucking alone!" I overheard followed by a smash. My heart thumped faster. A pain in my heart felt for him, but was then replaced with disgust and anger. He can rot in hell.

I flipped the door off, pretending it was Sean. I chuckled at my stupidity but I was just so bored. I felt my pocket out of habit looking for my phone. God damn it. He took that too.

There was a knock at the front door I guessed. I heard the door from the outside of the room I was held in open. Who could be here at this hour?

Jack's voice sounded surprised and worried. "Mark? What are you doing here?"


Mwahahah cliff hanger. Whoops my bad.

A new character was introduced! Welcome Robert to the story :)

Love you guys!

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