{Chapter 58 - Now I'm Kept Captive}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

I woke up to the sounds of an explosive cry, immidiately sending chills down my spine. I jumped and tried to stand up but something heavy was stopping my movements. I let out a quick groan and a frustrated sigh. My eyes shot upward after hearing a familiar sounding chuckle. It was the one that brought back too many bad childhood memories.

With a quick glance I noticed that it is not someone I easily recognized, but they looked strangly familiar. It took my brain a moment, but then I realized that it was the same man who claimed to be my father. Shaken, I began lash out in a scream to Jack, who I could hear uncontrollably sobbing from the other room down the hall. A loud shout from one of Robert's guards silenced Jack's ear piercing cries.

I begin to ask myself how I got in this situation and how I could get out of it. I internally scream at myself for being so stupid. I brought the people I love into this as well. My thoughts began to race at a mile a minute. I was all over and couldn't calm myself down. Sweat dripped down my face and onto the surface below.

"Yelling and screaming won't get you out of this one, Addison." Robert emerged from the shadows since the room was pitch black. Only a small light illuminated his slyly smirking face. My father copied his actions. My heart pumped at an unbelievable pace. I didn't have any ideas how to get out of this room.

"Jack! I need you!" I sobbed out to no one except Jack. I wanted to be in his arms again. My hands shook back and forth, making the ties slightly loosen. I was desperate for anything to go my way.

"It's going to be okay, Addy. You can do this. We can do this." Jack's voice was softened from the walls and doors separating us. I let out a sigh and composed myself.

Robert knelt down and stroked my cheek with the back of his hand. "You sick fuck." I spat in his face which was close to my own. I smirked, proud of what I did. I immediately regretted that decision since Robert's hand came swinging through the air onto the left side of my face.

The sound of his hand colliding with my face was just as piercing as the actual contact. My yelp could be heard from anywhere in the house. I felt so disrespected and helpless. I could feel the emotion welling up inside of me. Slowly I lost rhythm with my breath as my face got tight and my vision blurred. Then I let go and let my pain wash away with my tears.

"Next time you'll know not to mess with me, bitch." Robert's words began to ache more then the slap to my face. I squeezed my tied hands together in anger. All I wanted was to kick him in the balls and cause as much pain as he is causing me. I felt so betrayed and lied to. My feelings had been played.

We were best friends.

Now I'm kept captive.

It's a feeling that makes you desperate for attention, approval, and affection. It's a crumpling feeling. This feeling makes your stomach feel nauseous and queazy. It kills your self esteem, your trust, everything. It's like you're on your first roller coaster. Everything's too fast to comprehend, and as you are plunged down that steep hill your stomach lurches into your throat, choking you and making a huge tangle of organs and intestines. You want to scream and let go. Fear plunges into your stomach, making everything feel nauseous. Breaking down seems as if it's the only option.

And when the ride ends things are a bit clearer, but everything is still dizzy and you are a bit numb or, worse, all your nerves are alive as ever and your senses are heightened. You want to go back on the ride again, because maybe next time the ride will be easier on you, and it will be as if it never hurt you. Deep down, you believe it will never get better. Everything feels so hopeless.

When you get off a roller coaster, it's as if the whole world is spinning around fast but you are standing still. You can't seem to catch your breath and use your lungs like everyone else. You feel as if you could pass out and drift into the darkness. There are strings holding you down and everybody is watching the one person who can't move. Nothing feels right. It all feels worse. You are vulnerable and you have no idea how to snip the strings and move on.

Before I could retaliate, Robert put his lips on mine with force.

I think I know where this is headed.


Heyo. Sorry this update is so late. I've been busy on other social media accounts and getting summer work done.

"Yay school." Said no one ever.

Anyway, how's everyone doing?

Have a nice day/night.

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