{Chapter 36 - It's Just a Prank, Bro}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

Jack's footsteps trailed behind mine as we both entered the apartment. The scent of fresh pine trees filled my nose due to a candle being lit recently. My cheeks still blushed when thinking about the events that have happened back in the woods. The kiss still tingled on my lips causing me to want it to happen again. It felt even better in real life than the dream I had hours before.

I took a seat on the couch. I felt the synthetic leather on my exposed skin. My posture sunk into the seating, relaxing every muscle in my body. Jack sat next to me, admiring my face while I reached for the television remote. I clicked the power button and waited patiently for the power to kick on.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer buddy." I attempted to tease him with his own joke. He's mentioned this one before. My fingertips glided on the soft buttons, searching for a show to watch. I noticed Jack look away quickly and attempt to focus his attention on the changing screen.

"I wasn't looking." Sean tried to defend himself and make me believe him. He scooted slightly away from me. I looked into his beautiful blue eyes and turned his face toward mine. The brown stubble on Sean's pale face brushed my fingers. I moved my body close to his and snuggled myself under his arms.

"Yeah, sure. You can keep telling yourself that." I falsely rolled my eyes as I kept switching through television stations.

Jack didn't say another word. Instead he rested his head onto the top of mine. This brought a weird sensation of comfort and security. It was something I never felt with him before. Obviously, I always felt in harms way when he held me hostage. I sighed as I finally found some channel. It worked so I kept it on that station.

I wasn't pay attention to the picture shown on the television. Instead I was looking into the pair ocean blue eyes I have learned to love. He wasn't keeping me hostage physically. Jack was holding me hostage emotionally but in a good way. The way he makes me feel keeps me from leaving. It's difficult to explain but I'll just say I won't be leaving anytime soon.

He's like a drug.

I'm addicted and will keep trying to get a dose of him.

End of story.

"Addy," Sean played with one of my hands. His own fingers ran over my palm. A chill went down my spine as he kept speaking. "I just want you to know I really, really like you." Jack's face lit up as he talked about me. He was about to continue but a sound interrupted his words.

"Shut up, Felix! I'm trying to listen." Marzia's voice was faint but was still loud enough to hear. Both Jack and I looked at each other with a smirk plastered on our faces. We rose from our positions and came to the kitchen where we were being spied on. The floorboards didn't creak, giving us an additional advantage. Stealth was my specialty.

"Be quiet. Do not make a single sound. We're going to get them good." I put a finger over my mouth to emphasize to be as quiet as a mouse. Jack pulled out a vlogging camera to record the scare for his channel. He nodded, telling me he was ready. I winked and kept walking.

We both walked around the corner of the opening to the kitchen. Our bodies flooded in the kitchen in sync. I quickened my pace to the dining room when I saw the couple crouched in the corner. Both Jack and I flanked them. This was going to be perfect. I threw a thumbs up at the camera and advanced my plan.

"HOW'S IT GOING BROS? MY NAME IS PEWDIEPIE!" My voice boomed throughout the apartment, bouncing off every cream colored wall. Felix looked back with the best look on his face. His light blue eyes were widened and his mouth hung open. Eventually, he fell onto his bottom and started breathing heavily. Marzia also turned around but quickly ran into the living room. She must have realized it was the two of us since she came back.

Jack's contagious laughter filled my ears. It caused me to laugh so hard that I made a snorting sound. I admired the way he laughed. His head was thrown back as the sound rocketed into everyone's ears. I could play the laughter over and over again without getting sick of hearing it. It was the only laughter I looked forward to hearing. If he was laughing, he was happy.

Jack turned the camera toward himself and started the outro. He had the biggest smile in the world. "Well, laddies and gentlemen, that is how to spook Pewdiepie and Marzia. Maybe next time they won't be ease dropping on our conversation. While we're here, I would like to introduce you to my good friend Addison. We have some history together. Some of you might recognize her from Tumblr. I'll link it in the description. She's very talented! Anyway, this is the end of the video. Thank you guys so much for watching. If you liked it, punch that like button in the face like a boss! And, high fives all around! Wapoosh! Wapoosh! But thank you guys, and I'll see all you dudes, in the next video!" His voice reached a high pitch throughout the outro. I waved goodbye and gave he camera a bright and sincere smile. Jack turned the camera off and looked at me.

"You didn't have to shoutout my Tumblr, Jack. Thanks." I thanked him for doing that.

He chucked and said, "You deserved it and I just wanted to." Sean winked and turned his attention toward Felix.

"Karma is a bitch, huh Felix?" He laughed after he mentioned a true statement.

"Hey! It was Marzia's idea." The Swedish man pointed his pointer finger at Marzia.

"Sure!" She dragged out the word as she walked into the living room once again. "That was a good scare though. I have to admit that." We all followed her into the room. The television played in the background as we talked.

"So," Felix started, "are you two a thing?" His dirty-blonde eyebrows wiggled up and down.

"You could say something that." Jack told him as he put his arm around my shoulder.



How's it going? Hopefully well! Sorry if this chapter is short, I have exams coming up this week and next week so either updates will be shorter or take more time to be released. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience.

I just wanted to thank you all for all the reads, votes and comments. It's crazy how far we've gotten as a book! I didn't think it'd make it so big. It's all thanks to you guys. Without readers, there would be no book. Trust me, I'm a reader also. I know how difficult it can be to bare with an author sometimes. I appreciate how you all have. Love you guys!

BUUUT! Enough rambling. Have a nice day / night young chicken nuggets!


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