{Chapter 29 - It's Okay, Jack}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

I sat on the bed, waiting for Mark to come in the room. My hand traveled the soft sheets below me. The soft cotton warmed my fingers. Tears trickled down my cheek from hearing Sean's words. My heart is breaking for him. I'm starting to feel awful for him. Everyone would think it is absolutely insane but you can't blame me if you heard what he said. I get he abused me or something like that but I think I can help him. It's just my nature to forgive and help someone out. I groaned in frustration, not noticing Mark was standing at the door.

"Addy?" His voice softly called my name. I laid back on the bed and rubbed my forehead.

"I want to see Jack." I blurted out not thinking before hand. I looked at Mark to see his reaction.

His mouth was parted so I could see the back of his throat. Mark's eyes looked concerned and questioning with a hint of betrayal. He stepped into the room and closed the door. His back hit the door as he laid his head back. I just laid there, looking at the ceiling.

"You can't be serious. You'd be an idiot to show that you're here. You'll put me in danger." He talked while moving his hands. I scowled at him and sprung into a sitting position.

"So, all you care about is if you get put into danger? You don't care about Jack or his well being? Did you hear what he was saying to himself?" I didn't look at him after I said that. My eyes stared at the wall and traveled to outside the window. Birds flew by the window, chirping their songs while landing in their nests.

"You know I didn't mean it like that. And yes I heard what he said. Do you think he's trying to make himself seem all depressed to draw you out?" Mark must have sat next to me since I felt the bed dip from his weight. He put his hand on my shoulder. I shook it off and scooted farther away from him on the bed. I just needed my space.

"He doesn't know I'm here and a person only expresses that much emotion to himself. His voice was soft, and a bit strained, like someone had hit him in the gut and he was still recovering. That can't go unnoticed, Mark. I'm going out there." I explained my reasoning. I looked him dead in the eyes as I rose from my sitting position.

"You should think about this, Addison. He's unstable." He got up and blocked the path to the door. He was like a road block between me and my destination. Anger grew as I tried to get past him and he wouldn't let me.

"What are you jealous? Move, Mark." I barely pushed his torso to try and get through. He didn't move an inch as I repeatedly kept pushing him lightly. My fingertips felt the fabric of his short sleeve t-shirt. I needed to get to Jack.

"I'm not letting you." He denied my request. I stopped and turned around.

"Are you my captor now? Do I have no freedom here?" My voice went quiet and turned into whisper. I felt like I was being trapped again and not being able to fulfill my actions.

"I'm just trying to protect you, Addison. Stop being like that. You're not thinking!" His voice rose with distraught frustration.

Maybe he was right?

I still don't care. I'm talking to Jack.

I turned around and took advantage of the situation. I felt the air pass my face when I turned. Mark's body was turned to the wall beside the door. He wasn't paying attention to me so I made a break for it. I successfully made it past him and opened the door. My legs ran as fast as the could down the hall. The guest room door was closed. I assumed Jack was in there.

I whipped the door open and revealed a Sean-less bedroom. I sighed since I was wrong and made my way to the kitchen. I moved my legs stealthily down the hallway. Mark didn't follow me out of the room, signaling he gave up on me. I had one goal and that was to talk to Sean.

I could see the dining room from the kitchen. A green head of hair was the first thing I noticed when looking at the dining room table. I head the cling and clang of silverware hitting a plate. The aroma of a fresh, home cooked meal filled my nose. His back was facing me so he didn't see me. Sean was eating.

I moved my legs so I was now behind him. I didn't say anything. I couldn't speak. My voice was frozen or paused from nervousness. I couldn't find the words to say. I developed the nerve to softly speak.

"S-Sean." His name rolled off my lips and into the air. I noticed his body stiffen and his head staring straight ahead. Sean let out a short sob but didn't turn around to meet my eyes.

"This isn't real. Is it? I'm just imagining you, Addy. That's how much I need to see you." Sean kept eating as he spoke about me. A part of me wanted him to turn around and face me but the other wanted to go back to Mark and pretend this never happened. My heart raced as I stood there in Mark's clothes I used as pajamas. My breathing became heavier while I thought about all the possibilities this situation's end could have. I just needed to see his face and read his eyes.

"Just turn around, Sean." My voice broke the moment I called out to him. I heard his chair squeak as he turned his body to face me. It felt like forever when he was swinging himself around. When our eyes locked, his blue ones looked empty and lost. I looked back with the exact same look but with a hint of adventure.

He didn't say a word since words couldn't express the elephant in the room. Sean simply came over to me and wrapped his arms around me. His arms engulfed me in a hug that felt like I wouldn't be able to leave.

"I'm sorry," he paused, "I did all those things to you. I'm just so sorry, Addy." His voice cracked as he apologized to me for the things he put me through. Sniffles came from his nose since he was crying. It sounded sincere but we'll find out in the future is this is true.

"It's okay, Jack." My words forgave him. I tilted my chin upward so I could see him and admire this man. His bloodshot eyes looked into my forgiving ones. It felt like parts of his broken pieces were being put back together as we stared at each other in each other's arms.

A good five minutes past with my head on his chest.

What was I doing? Sean hurt me.

I pulled away and started to move back to Mark's room. I looked back at Jack and his eyes lit up. He waved and I waved back. My hand moved side to side before I opened the bedroom door, revealing a pissed off Mark.

"What the hell was that? You're so stupid! God, where is your common sense? I'm starting to regret saving you from that basement. I should have let you stay there and suffer. It'd save me a lot of energy." His voice was filled with rage and jealousy. I could almost see steam blowing from his ears. His words burned into me. It sounded like he meant it. My eyes turned watery. Mark's fists were curled up my his hips. He took the lamp on the bedside table and chucked it across the room with so much force. I heard the noise of cracking glass fill the room around us. Pieces of the lamp laid on the floor, broken. I need to leave.

"You're acting just as psychotic Sean. Way to adapt his behaviors. It takes a lot. I applaud you." I clapped my hands. If looks could kill, I would go to jail. With that, I left the room and entered the hallway.

It seemed like Sean and Mark were switching places personality wise.

Did I make a mistake?


Hey dudes. How you doing? Good I hope!

The story moves on! Mark can't control his temper for crap, huh? Do you think Jack is being sincere and actually sorry?

Answers will be revealed soon! I am hoping for 50+ chapters on this story and maybe a sequel. We have a long way to go ladies and gents. :D

I hope the story is going okay. Anyway, love you guys.


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