{Chapter 30 - Insanity Is Contagious}

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-=Sean's Point of View=-

My ears picked up on yelling coming from the room down the hall. Mark's voice boomed around the apartment, bouncing off the walls. I sat in the same dining room chair, dumbfounded and shocked. I was unable to move from this spot.

Addison was here?

Then that means she either escaped and went to Mark's house? I didn't think she knew where he lived, though. I put my head in my hands and rubbed my face. A light bulb went off after I kept thinking. Realization flooded my mind.

Mark busted her out. It sounded like the most reasonable and logical answer. When we saw him at the airport I could tell he was planning something. His facial expressions just gave me a weird feeling. He was too confident.

I didn't feel angry or upset. I felt rather grateful and chill. If Addison didn't get busted out, I wouldn't have felt this way. I also wouldn't have changed my mind set from insane to reasonable. I'm just not sure how long I can keep it up. I sighed and laid my head on the wooden dinner table. The surface was hard on my forehead.

I was resting my eyes until I heard a male voice yelling followed by a loud booming noise. It sounded like glass shattered into a million pieces. I only could assume it was Mark who was responsible. Concern was plastered on my face. I stood up and made my way to the hallway. My legs ached since I felt so tired.

Mark's voice was hard to describe in my opinion. It was warm and flowing like hot water, and everyone seemed to relax when he had something to say. But as soon as he became angry, the hot water would freeze and his voice would become more like ice, cold and hard, and his eyes seconded the notion. His brown, chocolate eyes would send daggers right through you. When he was sad, it became a cool waterfall in the middle of nowhere, alone and no where to be seen. All you wanted to do was comfort him and tell him it was going to be okay. The sound of the door slamming made me snap it it's direction.

As soon as my blue eyes met the end of the hallway, I saw Addison. Her back was facing the door while she sat on the hardwood flooring. Her hands cupped her face while I heard close to silent weeping. I couldn't see her eyes, but I could only imagine how her hazel eyes darkened with fear and loathing. The sight in front of me made my body go over to her and comfort her. This behavior was new for me ever since I kidnapped her.

"Addy?" My voice croaked while I kneeled in front of her shaking body. The slow sobs quickly turned into fast paced hiccups. Addison slingshotted her arms around me. They engulfed me into the best hug I've had in awhile. This upset girl cried into my torso. Wet and hot tears poured onto my shirt. I closed my eyes and hugged her tighter, trying to calm down her storm of emotions.

"It's going to be okay, Addison. Trust me it is. Cry for as long as you need and tell me your problems. I'm here for you even if I wasn't always before. This crazy game of mine stops now, I promise you. I will never make it by without you and obviously treating you like my object won't help. Stay with me, Addy. Even if I don't deserve a single thing from you. We can go on adventures and I can make my mistake right. I'm sorry for kidnapping you. I really am. It's crazy to say and others might say you're not using simple logic if you say yes but that doesn't matter. Feel free to say no and walk away but I'm begging you to give this big idiot a chance." I opened my heavy eyes and looked into her teary ones. Tears welled up in my saddened eyes. Once the first year broke free, they all flowed like a waterfall. My head rested on Addison's shoulder. The tears of my many emotion soaked the t-shirt she was wearing.

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