{Chapter 18 - Wake Up}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

I saw an opportunity to escape.

My legs took me as fast as they could toward the door. I managed to twist the door handle open with my clammy hands. My heart pounded in my chest and I kept my strides going toward freedom. Breathing became more difficult as I ran more. I felt like I've been running for hours.

I kept pumping my legs but there was nothing at the end of the hall. Darkness kept fading in and all I saw was a never ending hallway of nothingness. Confusion took over my body but I kept running on.

I started slowing down because the feeling fatigue started to fill my muscles. Lactic acid ate away at my endurance and started to creep in my thighs. After what seemed to be another hour, I fell to the ground. Nothing but a ghostly    presence filled the space around me.

While trying to catch my breath I stood up on my feet. I suddenly saw a pair of glowing eyes in the distance. Curiosity factored into my decision making and caused me to walk toward the mysterious light. I was always up for an adventure.

Not quite knowing what was going on, I moved forward. The eyes grew larger as I approached them. One was a lime green and the other was a light blue. The figure blinked at me. A low growl filled my ears.

"Hello, darling." The shadow stepped out of the darkness and revealed a monster that resembled Sean in a way. They had the same features but his teeth were sharp and had different colored eyes. The evil in his eyes were the same as Sean's.

"S-Sean?" I attempted to back away but his hand held my back and didn't allow me to move anymore. I felt frozen. Fear replaced the feeling of desire and curiosity. I attempted to swat his hand away.

"Get away from me! I'm warning y-" I was cut off because I wasn't able to say or do anything. Uselessness was the definition of me at this moment.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Anti." He told me. Images of the fan art and photo edits of Jack made it easier to recognize him. How could I have not seen that coming? So this is real?

"Addison, wake up." An echo flooded the dark room.Who was that? I whipped my head around looking for an answer.

"Wake up!" Sean was screaming and shaking my body. I looked around me and saw I was on the hard floor another night. So that was a dream?

A week had passed by and Sean now makes me sleep on the floor. I sat up so my legs were crisscrossed. I laid my head back on the wall since I was so tired.

"Time for your chores." Jack handed me a toilet wand and a sponge. "Bathroom day!" He sung and started to laugh. I did not laugh. I haven't laughed for days. My mind felt so cloudy.

I blinked rapidly hoping I would start to wake up. I got a maximum of three hours of sleep last night since Jack made me scrub the entire kitchen with a toothbrush. Let us clarify it was my toothbrush that I use to clean my teeth. He gave it to me and refuses to give me another one. I dunked his toothbrush in the toilet without him knowing so karma was served. I smiled at the thought.

I stretched my muscles as I rose from my position. I made my way to the bathroom and started scrubbing away. The smell of bleach burned my nose and made me feel light headed.

"Jack I need a break. I think I'm going to pass out from the smell." I pleaded. I needed to get out of this bathroom. A pain was released into my head.

"You don't leave unless that washroom is spotless, got it?" He gritted his teeth and shot a dirty look at me.

"Yes, sir." I mumbled.

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