{Chapter 37 - Demons From the Past}

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-=Addison's Point of View=-

"Marzia and I are going out today! See you later tonight." Felix's voice rung in my head as I walked through the kitchen. The cold tiles chilled my bare toes as I made my way to the living room.

I waved my left hand when two familiar faces met my eyes. "Alright, I'll let Sean know. Have fun you two, but not too much fun." I playfully winked and ceased waving.

The couple laughed and continued with their day. I turned back and entered the main hallway. I searched around for Sean. I eventually found him editing a video in his recording room.

My knuckles met the wooden door, forming a sound that alerted him. "May I come in?" I popped my head in slightly. It was just enough for Jack to notice I was there. A small fan rotated endlessly. Cool air rushed to my face since it was directly across from me.

"Yeah, come on in." Jack motioned my to sit in the rolling chair next to him. I smiled as I took a seat. The cushion felt comfortable against my body as I leaned backward.

"Felix and Marzia went out today. They won't be back until later tonight. Just letting you know." I twirled around as Jack clicked away at his computer. Clips from an old game Spyro 3 flashed across his screen. My eyes lit up at the sight. I have been waiting for him to play that game! I became excited to watch the play-through later this evening.

"Thanks for telling me." He thanked me while keeping his memorizing blue eyes glued to the screen. "Want to know what we can do to pass the time?" His voice now became lower, almost seductive.

I gulped since my throat became dry. My clammy hands squeezed the arm rests as I looked anywhere but Jack's face. Nervousness took over my body. His eyes locked onto mine somehow. I couldn't read the mix of emotions they contained.

"We can play some video games!" Sean's voice was now giddy and high. The energy level was now through the roof. Immediately he rose from his chair to grab a game. His hand reached and clasped onto Overwatch. My nervousness was quickly replaced with joy and happiness. That was a close call.

We both laughed as our fingers pressed and dragged and danced across the controller. Occasionally, Jack would use his shoulder to bump into mine. Apparently, he thought it would mess up my ability to play the game. This was nonsense. Gaming was always something I loved to do. When life seemed hopeless, games gave me a world of imagination and endlessness. Any game you could think of exists and could satisfy your needs.

I was distracted as a sound hit my ears. The sound of the doorbell rang around the room. Jack paused the game and proceeded to get up. "I'll go answer it." I nodded since I understood. His green hair was no longer visible as his body exited the recording room. I heard the front door swing open.

"Hello there. Can I help you?" Jack sounded polite but kind of confused. The person at the door must have been a stranger. I continued to listen carefully.

"I'm looking for someone named Addison. I believe they are here." A familiar voice met my eardrum. It felt so alarming that I couldn't put my finger on who it was. They obviously knew who I was so I figured I could know who this mystery person is. Before I knew it, my body was across from the front door in shock.

My body felt numb as I witnessed my own father standing at the front door of Sean's apartment. Questions flooded my head and filled it with confusion.

"Addison, honey. I missed you. I need you to come home, darling." A cold tone lined his dreaded voice.

What the hell?

How'd he get here?

How did he know I was here?

As I stood there, as stiff as a statue, looking into the eyes of an abuser, my hands formed fists. I looked into the eyes of a coward who couldn't support his own daughter in a time of need. He couldn't stand strong when he needed to be stable the most.

Flashbacks covered my brain, sending tears into my eyes. The images of bruises and cuts filled my memory of this man. No good memory could outshine the abusive ones. Never. The clear liquid from my eyes spilled down my cheeks and onto any surface that stood below me. Words he has spit at me felt like acid against my emotional and mental health. It ate away at me until there was nothing left to burn.

"You're not worth being here, Addy."

"Your mother said you were a mistake anyway."

"You're eighteen! Why aren't you gone yet?"

"You killed your mother. It's your fault!"

"Stop crying, you worthless piece of shit."

"Get up. I didn't hit you that hard."

Word after word irritated me until I couldn't take it anymore. You could say I hate this man. It's this feeling of destruction, and chaos. I want it to stop but most of the time, I can't control it. Just seeing him made my heart rip in half. My chest felt empty and broken. Words simply could not explain how I was feeling in this moment.

My voice was low and barely a whisper. "Get him out of here, Sean." I remained so calm, it was scary.

"Who is he?" Sean was clueless about who this poor excuse of a father is.

"I'm her father." He had the courage to speak.

"He doesn't deserve to be called my father and I don't deserve to be labeled as his daughter. Remember the stories I told you about? How he tore me apart for years when all I needed was comfort since my mother just dropped dead. I get he was confused and torn apart himself, but any decent man would pull it together for their loved ones. They wouldn't take their anger out physically and emotionally on their own daughter. This individual would also not screw around with ten different women a week, pretending the love of their life didn't exist. Maybe if you used that thing inside of your head called a brain, you would be a decent human being. I don't even want to know how or why you found me. Wake up, sir. You are a screw up. I told you to stay out of my life ages ago. Now get this piece of garbage out of here. I don't want to be in his presence." Without thinking I turned around to walk away. A sob escaped my lips as I started moving my legs back toward the recording room. My steps felt heavy as if shackles weighed me down. My breath was quick and shallow since the thought of him made me sick.

"You're mother was lucky to get out of being responsible for you." Toxic words spilled out of his fowl mouth. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard his verbal diarrhea. Again, words cannot describe the way his comments dug into my skin, leaving emotional scars.

"Get the hell out of my house." I could tell Sean was livid by the tone of his voice. I didn't dare to face them.

"You can't get rid of me that easily, Addison. You'll see. I'll be back." The sound of the door slamming shut boomed around the apartment. I felt the need to collapse and let the emotions pour out of me.

I spent hours in Sean's arms, not knowing what to do with myself.

Hey lovelies! How are you all doing?!

Yay! I updated earlier today than I expected. If you are wondering why there has been a lack of updates, check out my author's note. (:

Maybe I'll be able to update again today. #DOUBLEUPDATE. No promises, though.

How do you feel about Addison's "father" being back? If you consider him worthy enough of being called that. Douche. :0

Anyway, have a nice day / night. You're are beautiful people <3

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