{Chapter 27 - Hideaway}

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-=Mark's Point of View=-

God damn it!

I hung up the phone with Felix and rushed to my bedroom. I opened the door slowly so it wouldn't make a noise that would wake Addy up. She was sleeping soundly on her stomach while snoring lightly. The navy blue comforter almost completely covered her body. Addison's head, neck and shoulders were the only thing visible. I smiled since her snoring was cute in a way. It wasn't too loud and obnoxious. It was soft and just adorable. I stepped in and made my way to her side of the bed. I took a deep breath and tried to prepare myself to tell her the devastating news.

I shook her lightly and sat next to her. "Addison? Wake up, please." I softly woke her up from her slumber. I can't believe Jack is on his way. My blood ran cold when thinking about it. I just got her out of that mess and now she might be in it again.

Her eyes blinked open as she turned on her back. Addison's hands rose to her eyes and rubbed them. She groaned and sat up to look at me.

"Good morning, Mark. What's up?" Her voice was raspy from sleep and she had bed head. She gave me her bright smile and looked happy. Little did she know what I was about to tell her was going to wipe that smile right off her face.

I sighed and prepared myself once more to tell her. I played with my fingers and looked down at them to hide my face from her. She must have noticed how nervous I was because when I looked up she had a concerned look on her face.

"Mark? What's going on? You're making me concerned." Her voice was now in a low whisper. She took my hand and laced her fingers with mine. If this was a way to try and comfort me, it worked.

I broke into tears because I didn't know what else to do. Tears streamed down my face and hit my pajama pants. I don't usually cry but I found this to be a valid time to be able to. She hugged me and told me it was okay but I knew it wasn't.

I pulled myself together and had the courage to face her. "Addison. Please don't freak out. Just listen." I hiccuped between sentences.

She took a few deep breaths before nodding her head when she was ready. "Okay, tell me what's going on." She grabbed my hand and played with my fingers. I nodded my head and started to speak.

"Felix called me this morning," I started, "and he told me that Jack found out you were gone." I looked down at my hand in her's.

"I figured he would but does he know that I'm here?" She questioned me.

"That's the thing. He doesn't know I have you. Felix couldn't handle him anymore and attempted to kick him out. Jack asked where else he could go and without thinking, Felix told him I would probably help him out. Felix caught his mistake and tried to keep him there. Sean became suspicious and left anyway. I'm so sorry Addy, and Felix feels awful. He's beating himself up." I quickly tried to explain it since Jack was most likely on his way. The stress level started to grow.

Addison's breath turned heavy and her eyes turned glossy. She squeezed my hand harder and harder as I kept explaining what was going on. I could see how much she was breaking.

"I don't blame Felix. I just can't. He's put up with Jack and helped us so I don't think this is his fault. It is certainly not your fault either. This is Jack's fault." A tear slipped down her cheek and onto my hand. I didn't even mind given the situation. She apologized and I just waved it off.

"Mark, I have a question." She asked me.

"Sure, hit me." I looked at her, waiting for her question.

"Can I use your phone to contact my best friend, Robert? He hasn't heard from me and I just need to hear his voice." Addison sniffled and let go of my hands. I remember Addison telling me about this guy, Robert. She pretty much knew him for years and put him up on a pedestal. A small feeling of jealousy washed over me as she told me how great he was. I shouldn't be jealous, but I cannot help it. He was probably way better than me and knew how to handle Addison better.

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