You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 9

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What does he mean I owe him? I'm sure he didn't want anyone to know either and I personally didn't ask him to help me out with Umbridge, he did that on his own. My brain was trying to decipher all what happened.

"What are you thinking about?" George asks causing me to snap out of my mental questioning. "Nothing  to worry yourself about, "I reply smiling to him. We had just left the great hall and were making our way towards the Gryffindor Common room.

"Okay...?" he says doubtfully, clearly unbelieving. His grip on my hand tightened and he came to a halt.

Not realizing at first, I was jerked back. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"What's wrong with you? You have been acting weird since..." he was trying to think back, "Since the incident with Draco. Is there something you are not telling me, did he threaten you?" he asks growing angry at his conclusion.

"No he didn't threaten me," I reply honestly, "I just don't understand him and I'm not saying I want to," I say shooting him a glare, " but some of the things he says.. or does just bothers me."

"He unnerves everyone Leianna," George states, "It just bothers me at the interest he seems to have in you." 

 "He isn't interested in me in any way, unless you count for messing things up for me an interest," 

"He just seems to find a way to be around you when I'm not there, I'm surprised he hasn't tried to do anything," he says as he pulls me closer to him.

I suddenly felt a heavy weight of guilt on my conscious, "George he had tried before," I mumble.


"A long time ago, but I stopped him," I explain, focusing on only the first incident.

"When?" he asks his anger growing.

"After you pulled the prank of the Sltyherin in the hallway," I reply, "He had saw us come out of the storage closet and blackmailed me to kiss him on the cheek."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"We had just started dating, and it was nothing. He is nothing George," I reply, "Please don't even think about it, I got the situation handled."

"Well if he tries anything else, I want to know," he states.

We walk up to the portrait and the fat lady looked at us sternly.

"You should already be inside," she states tsking at us.

"Godric," George says ignoring her comment and providing the password.

She narrows her eyes at him before opening the door.

"Bloody woman is annoying," he mumbles taking my hand and pulling me inside with him.

The room still had a few lingering students, probably first years ranting about classes. I personally didn't feel like hanging out with everyone in the common room tonight anyways.

"I guess I'm going to turn in, we have that Hogsmeade visit tomorrow," George says releasing my hand.


 He leans down and kisses my lips softly. I couldn't help but compare the difference in his kiss from Draco's, then I mentally kick myself.

"Goodnight," he whispers to me. I smile and reply to him with a simple goodnight.

When I had finally made it up to my room I found a Hermione looking down sternly at my bed with her hands on her lips.

You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now