You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 21

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The next few days turned out to be actually nice. Draco kept to his word, he didn't try anything nor did he try to make a move on me. Also there was no fighting. We actually got along. I never would have guessed I could be friends but we were becoming just that. Allowing our relationship to take this turn, it showed me a side of Draco that I didn't know existed.

I was actually enjoying the time I was having while here. I even wrote George telling him first of the incident in the spring which got me a letter in return. He wanted me out of here, but I explained to him that we were trying to be friend and we didn't want to casue issues between our parents he finally accepted. Then my letters were more of how much fun I was having here. We had went skiing, hiking up the trails in the mountains. Finally his letters became less urgent.

Coming back tot he present, I now sat across from Draco and we were studying one another intently.

I knew the move I would make, all I had to do is what for him to make the mistake.

As luck had it he did what I wanted, he made the wrong move.

"My king to yours, checkmate," I say smugly as I watch my chess piece smash Draco's, "Hahahahah..." I add tauntingly.

"One more round."

"I've beat you three times Draco," I tell him leaning back in the chair, "Besides, I'm sick of playing chess."

"Well you have in better ideas, the place is bloody boring anyways," he says mimicking my motion and leaning back in the chair.

"Mmmm.... we could go hiking again," I suggest. I did enjoy being outdoors.

"We did that yesterday," he retorts, "How about..." he was about to tell me something when a elf walked into the room.

"Master Malfoy," the little elf says.

Draco turns to the elf, "What is it,?" he asks impatiently. I will have to talk to him later about the way he treats the elves.

"You parents wish for you two to meet them in main room sir," the elf replies.

"We better go then," I sigh as I stand, "Wonder what they want," I say as I follow him out of the room.

"No telling," he replies flatly.

We walk into the room and see them all standing and with their jackets on.

"You wanted us," Draco says getting their attention.

Lucius looks at his son, "We have something important to attend," he replies staring intently at Draco.

Something about the stare sparked curiosity in me.

Turning to look at Draco he gave a slight nod, as if they were having a silent conversation.

"And what of our guests?"he asks, "I will have to be leaving to won't I?"

"No, the Riley's are attending with us this time, you and Leianna will be staying here," Lucius answers.

Now I was really confused, "Mum, where are you going?"

Looking at my mother I noticed she looked sort of scared.

Instead of a response from her I got one from John, "We have a meeting to attend with the Malfoy's, nothing serious."

I wasn't convinced, but I wasn't going to push further, there was something they didn't want me to know and fromt he way it sounded, they weren't going to tell me anyways.

You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now