You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 7

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"You're a pureblood?" Hermione questions me when I told her about the incident on the qudditch field. Both of us had been restless all night so I decided to break the silence by telling her about what had happened and what Malfoy had known without me saying it.

"Yeah, I just don't brag about it like everyone else, blood is blood and a witch is a witch. You're just as good and magic as I am," I said motioning to her.

She blushed slightly, "Yeah and thanks I guess. I just don't understand how he could have found out unless you told someone," she states. I could tell she was thinking hard, wanting to figure it all out.

"What house were your parents in?"She asks curiously.

"They were in Slytherin actually," I reply sheepishly. Her eyes widened, "Really , wow, they must not have liked you getting Gryffindor."

"Well my father is dead and as for my mother," I say as I thought how to respond, "My mother probably doesn't like it, but she wouldn't mind," I finished.

"Then why didn't you want to be in Slytherin?" she questioned.

"I honestly didn't want to be in Slytherin, I know how they can be, I and I'm not like that," I replied honestly.

"Well, since your mother is pure blood and her friends probably are, it is possible she could be friends with the Malfoys," Hermione concludes.

"You're right, I should have thought of that," I exclaim getting up and walking over to my desk.

"What are you doing?" she asks curiously as she gets up too.

"I'm going to ask my mum if she knows them," I reply as I dip my quill into ink.

I write a simple letter to my mother, inquiring if she knew the Malfoys or spoke to them in any way. Once done, I seal the letter and hand it to my owl. I then walk over to the window and allow her to fly out. I watched her fly until I couldn't tell her from the snow that seemed to be forever falling. Maybe my mother could give me the answers I was looking for.

After a week,I had nearly forgotten about the letter I had sent to my mother. Plus, Malfoy had backed off and I didn't have to deal with him much anymore.

"So are you ready for Christmas?" George asks causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

"Sort of, I don't know if I will go home or not. I might just stay here," I reply.

"Will your parents let you?" He questions.

"I don't know, the only reason I probably couldn't would be the part my mother hosts before the holiday."

"A party eh? Well maybe you could take me, I will lighten it up for you" he says smiling wickedly.

"I don't think so, no pranks," I retort while nudging his should with mine, "It's formal, she tries to get all her pureblood friends to attend," I say thinking about how it usually was. Last year I had gotten out of attending but the year before last I wasn't so lucky. It was completely boring and I eventually ducked out while my mother was busy.

"Oh well, I couldn't have brought the house down," he says.

"Oh I know you could, literally."

"But I bring a smile to your face, which is completely adorable," he says reaching over a cupping my face in his hand.

Somehow we had come to a halt. I glanced around only seeing a couple of students who was lost in conversation before I leaned up to him.

This kiss was tender and sweet. George never tried to push me into anything which I liked. I broke away when I heard someone clear there throat. We both glanced sideways to see Professor McGonagall looking at us.

"I believe you two have somewhere to be," she states sternly looking from George to me.

"Yes Professor," we both said trying to hold back our smiles. She was letting us off the hook and we didn't want to make matters worse.

"Good, now go," she says shooing us.

We both took off walking as fast as we could. Once we were away from her we couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"That was bloody awful," George says. "Luckily it was her and not someone else," I state.

He nods his head in agreement, "She is right though, we need to get to class."

"Yeah, I have to get to muggle studies," I state. I really didn't see the point of the class really; all I needed was the book.

We said our goodbye and I start up the stairs towards the classroom. I hated walking the stupid stairs, by the time I got to the top I was nearly out of breath.

"Late for class are we?" I heard a familiar voice question from the hallway up ahead.

"Yes, why aren't you in class Malfoy?" I retort.

"I just so happens I am patrolling the hall for Professor Umbridge," he replies smugly walking towards me.

"Oh, so you're like a lap dog or something?" I inquire mockingly. I should have known Malfoy would be working with her, the woman was a bloody nightmare from what I had heard. I didn't have Defense Against the Dark Arts Class until next term so I went by what other students had said.

"Watch it Sweary, I hate to have to report you," he spat stopping in front of me.

"Well then run along and tell her," I say challenging him.

His all too perfect face crinkled into a cruel frown as he eyed me up and down, "You think you're something don't you?" he spat with venom in his words. "You think you something because you are a Gryffindor and you have that thing you call a boyfriend falling all over you."

"Bet your mommy would love to know you are with Weasley," he states leaning in closer.

I knew it...

"So you know my mother?" I question him.

"I know of her. My mother told me she is always begging her to do stuff, pathetic if you ask me," he replies.

"Well, at least my mother lets me breathe, can you say the same Malfoy? Bet you're mommy's little baby," I mocked.

He actually smirked at me insult. "You should've been in Slytherin," he states causing me to be taken back.

Where did that come from? I question myself.

"You're too feisty to be a Gryffindor," he adds probably sensing my confusion.

"Is that so?" 

"Yes, you would have fit in perfectly," he said inching closer.

"Well as much as I loved our conversation I have to go. I have already missed some of my muggle studies class," I state backing away from his proximity.

"Well then there is no reason to go is there, if you had already missed half," he states still coming closer. I found myself backing up until I was against the wall.

"You could skip with me, I'm sure we could find loads of stuff to do," he whispers to me, his lips inches from mine.

"I... I think I will pass," I managed to say as I pushed him back lightly. I don't know why, but he always put my nerves on the edge when he was this close.

"Really, then tell me to stop. Tell me you don't want me to kiss you and I won't," he states bringing his hand up to brush my hair away from my face before cupping my cheek.

Things had went to fast and my mind was whirling. Why wasn't I stopping him? God know I didn't want him to kiss me... right? I mean the first time he did I was in shock. This time it wasn't by surprise that he was trying,  I open my mouth to tell him, to make his stop, but he had other plans.

Taking my moment of hesitation as an advantage, he quickly filled the space between us bringing his lips to meet mine.

You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now