You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 13

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"So what happened to you in Arithmancy?" Hermione asks as I walk with her back to the Gryffindor Common room.

"Nothing, I just decided not to go," I lie the best I could, trying to sound convincing. Truth was I was still with Draco. It's funny, it seems like he had changed so much in the past couple of weeks. I never would have thought I would actually be like this with Draco. When he was by himself and not with other people he was such a better person.

"Hello," I hear Hermione state dragging me out of my thoughts. I throw her a questionable look and she rolls her eyes, "I said I don't believe you, you wouldn't just skip."

"Well I did," I retort defensively.

"Oh I believe you skipped, but with whom I'm not so sure," she states smiling somewhat, "but then again when I asked Harry if Draco was in last class he said no, I can put two and two together you know."

"Fine, I was with him. What do you want me to say Hermione?"

"I'm worried about you," she replies looking concerned, "I know he will hurt you. You don't know Draco like we know him. He's rude, malicious, and manipulative. He wants you for something; you just need to be careful how far you let your guard down around him."

This brought me to a halt. It was basically the same thing George had said.

"Have you been discussing this with George?" I ask curiously, I wasn't going to be too pleased if they had.

"No," she replies, "Why did he say the same?" 

"Kind of," I say s flatly.

I needed to talk to Draco, get everything cleared up about this. I want to know how he felt about me.

"Hey I'll catch up with you later," I tell Hermione as I turn and make my way back down the hall.


Draco's P.O.V

"Please, you know how I feel about you," I whisper to Pansy soothingly. She wanted to know why she spotted me walking with Leianna after class let out, and furthermore, why I wasn't in class.

I really didn't like Pansy, but hey I'm a guy and she is a desperate girl who would do anything for me.

"I don't like her," she spat angrily, "She likes you and I can tell, what are you doing with her anyways," she asks snapping her head towards me.

"You know I'm only doing it because of the bet I made with Blaise," I reply to her question.

"What is with you two, always having to make stupid bets to be entertained," she mutters crossing her arms.

"It's fun, what does it matter?" I ask her. She was really trying my patients, I was over the little argument, and to be honest I didn't care.

"But you're mine," she says walking to me and placing her arms on my shoulder, "I don't like seeing another girsl look at you like she was."

How was Leianna looking at me? I had noticed a change in her but I couldn't tell she genuinely liked me. The girl was a mystery to me. One minute she was ready to kill me the next she was kissing me. I couldn't stop the smile I knew that was coming up on my face.

"What?" Pansy demands snapping me back.

"What are you talking about?" 

"Were you not listening?" she asked angrily.

"No" I confessed, "and I'm over this conversation," I add as I turn to head out of the common room. I needed some air.

"No wait," she pleads changing her attitude around.

You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now