You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 25

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I started back to Hogwarts in less than two days; it was hard to believe Christmas break was already gone.

Now I have one more term before I become a 6th year student. It was amazing how this year had went by so fast, and how interesting it had been.

I would have never guessed my life could be so complicated. Now I don't think anything could surprise me.

"Leianna, do you have everything you need for school?" my mother questions me causing me to snap out of my thoughts. She sat across from me breaking a piece of toast.

I took a quick drink of my juice then sat it back down. I thought about what I could use and only one thing came to mind, "Actually, I  could use a new pair of gloves."

"Well, then after breakfast, if you like, we can go to Diagon Alley and pick up what you need."

I smile and look back to my breakfast. 

"Draco needs some new clothes, perhaps we will join you today," Narcissa states to my mother who looked delighted.

"Of, course, that would be great."

I just look from one woman to the other. I couldn't believe they had actually become somewhat of friends.

"Yes, Draco could use some knew cloaks and sweaters," Narcissa said as she motioned a house elf to refill her cup.

"Leianna, do you need new clothes also?"

"I don't think so," I reply to my mother, "All I really need is gloves."

"Nonsense, you cannot be seen wearing the same clothes from last year," Narcissa tells me. 

"Exactly, why don't you accompany Draco when he pick out his new clothes," my mother suggests.

"Sure, if I must."

"Good morning Draco," my mother says causing me to snap back into reality.

Draco enters the room as if he was in a hurry. "Morning," he says with no emotion in the greeting.

He reaches over the table and picks up two pieces of toast and starts heading out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Narcissa asks.

"Father needs me in the study this morning."

I watch as a poignant expression appears on her face, but then she quickly masks it, "Well tell him to not keep you long, we have plans," she says to him.

He nods to her and walks out.

That's the first; I didn't even get a look from him. I didn't know to be pleased or curious as to why.

"Leianna," mother says causing me to look away from where Draco was to her.

"Why don't you go freshen up and I'll meet you upstairs shortly," she suggests.

"Sounds like a plan," I tell her as I scoot my seat out. I leave the room and  pace down the hallway making my way towards the stairs.

As I pass the study I glance inside and see it empty with the door open.

I stop and peer in curiously, I thought Draco and his father was in there.

I step inside and look around, still no one.

"Nosy today aren't we?" I hear a familiar voice say from behind me.

I gasp and turn around, "You scared the heck out of me Draco," I say putting my hand to my quickly beating heart.

You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now