You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Ch 11

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I never felt heartbreak before and to say, it hurts pretty damn bad. I am usually not a violent person, yeah I might do a trick here or there, but it's never violent... well, not on purpose.

When I saw Malfoy leaning to kiss Leianna, I was ready to kill. Especially since she was leaning towards him, as if to embrace it.

I had always suspected Malfoy had a little thing for Leianna, but I never thought she would buy into it.

It made me wonder what all had happened between them to make them get to that point, where kissing would be okay.

I shift at the thought feeling a whole new wave of anger and hurt. I never thought I would be this guy, the one who mopes around over a girl.

I use to make fun of those guys, called them whipped. I guess its came back to bit me in the bum.

Now here I was sitting on the bloody train trying to wrap my head around everything that had happened.

I cared for her, I want to be with her, but like I told her, I'm not much of a sharing kind of guy.

If she wanted to be with me then I'm all for it, as long as she stayed away from Malfoy.

I didn't trust him, never have and never will. Usually when he's that persistent, there is always something else going on behind the scenes.

I knew he had to be up to something, it's not every day Malfoy takes a interest in a Gryffindor Girl... well actually he never does. In all my years at Hogwarts I have never seen Malfoy date anyone other than Pure Blood Sytherins.

I had to know what he was up to, I had to find out. Especially if I want Leianna back.

"Georgie," I hear my twin say sliding in the seat beside me. I look over at him and I could tell he was concerned. You can call it a freaky twin thing but it was true, we were good at reading each other's emotions.

"Hey Fred," I say apprehensively. I wasn't sure how he would react if I told him the how Leianna thing, but I never kept anything from him, we were to close.

"What's a matter, I saw Leianna setting with Hermione, why isn't she here?" he asks pointing to the area beside me.

"We kinda are on a break," I reply propping my leg up. He looked taken back, "What, I just saw you to together not long ago, what happened?"

"Someone happened," I state bitterly, "I guess I better tell you the whole thing," I add sitting up.



I felt like a piece of me was missing without George by my side. It kinda feels like the feeling you get when you know you forgot something, but no matter how much you think of what it could be you don't remember.

I had this feeling all the time now, walking to class by myself, sitting in the library by myself, and not getting the sweet little notes or quick kisses. I really missed it all.

He still talked to me occasionally. We still sat together in Herbology and ate together in the Great Hall.

He seems ok with me taking the time to sort all this mess out, but then again I can see a change in him. It was like he was up to something, like something was going on that I wasn't aware of.

I would catch him constantly looking over at Draco. Maybe it was just him being bitter but sometimes I wondered.

I also found out through Hermione that Fred knows everything. He seems to be angrier about the whole thing than George was.

Hermione also was kind of upset about the whole thing too. I decided to tell her on the way back from Hogsmeade.

I was now on my way to Herbology , hopefully my partner will still be in a good mood and talk to me.

I walk in and immediately start looking at my table where I worked with George.

He wasn't there yet which was kind of unusual, he usually beat me here.

The Professor comes in and shuts the door behind her and I go into panic mode, surely he wouldn't skip.

Suddenly someone starts knocking on the door.

Professor Sprout mutters under hear breath and opens it.

"Sorry Professor, forgot my book," George say holding it up as he walks over towards me.

"Don't let it happen again Mr.Weasley," she proclaims sternly.

He nods and puts his books down.

"What happened to you really, you left before I did," I whisper to him.

"I had something I needed to take care of," he replies quietly.

"What exactly, you have been acting weird Lately," I state looking at him worried.

"It's nothing Leianna," he assures glancing at me while flashing me a quick smile.

After dating him almost half a year I could tell when he was lying and right now, he was lying. However I didn't feel like picking a fight in Herbology so I dropped the matter.

"Okay class, with you partner write me a list of everything you have heard about Snargaluffs," Sprout tells us.

"Okay, I know it's best to handle them with more people with you," I say writing it down.

"There absolutely boggarts when you provoke them," George proclaims. I raise my eyebrow at him skeptically, "What it's true!"

"I know but I have the oddest feeling you have pestered them George," I exclaim.

He only smile telling me I was right.

"Your bloody awful," I tell him while shaking my head.

"You still lov..," he didn't finish.

I look at him, "Yes I still love you," I tell him honestly.

He just looks at me pained.

" I'm trying to forget about him. I don't want to make you anymore promises and not keep them," I explain.

"I know, let's just change the subject," he states, "They have the green pods that you can extract," he says waiting for me to write.

I nod and write down what he says, I really need to sort this whole thing out.

You Will Be The Death of Me ( Draco Malfoy Fanfiction) Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now