[Chapter Forty-Two] Where She's Had Enough

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Chapter Forty-Two – Where She's Had Enough
Julian's Pov

My mother refused to see that I was not backing down about Mia, I wanted custody of her and if I had to tour then Mia could stay with my mother.

It was like I didn't even recognize my own mother anymore, I didn't know the kind of woman she's been becoming; I just knew I didn't like it. She was cold and had been such a bitch lately, I couldn't take it anymore. I just wanted this issue to be settled.

It was wrong for my mother to fight so hard about Mia simply because she felt guilty. That really was what this was about, guilt; guilt that my mother didn't question the abuse, guilt that she didn't know about what he had been doing to her, guilt that Mia was her husband and daughters child.

I'm still furious with her, Mia didn't need to know, yes she and Carter couldn't keep their mouths shut and now she knew.

I just wanted to stop fighting with lawyers and with Mia's court appointed lawyer, this entire situation was an absolute mess and I felt guilty that she was stuck in the middle. I was grateful that Bailey had been so kind of her through all of this.

I got a call from Mia's lawyer asking if we could all meet at his office so I called mine and I'm sure my mother got the same call and informed hers.

I had no idea what this was about but and I didn't think that I liked it. Mia was two days shy of being fifteen now and I had hoped to have this all settled by her birthday.

When I was let into the office I saw Mia's lawyer sitting there along with Bailey. She wouldn't look at me and she said nothing as I sat across from her and waited. It wasn't too long before my lawyer showed up and then my mother with hers, she wasn't thrilled about seeing Bailey sitting there.

"Why are you here?" she addressed Bailey and she looked so sad for a minute when she looked at my mother before she pushed it away; I felt that way about my mothers' behavior too.

"I'm Mia's guardian, Larissa." Bailey's voice was strong and she refused to back down to my mother. I was wondering why she was here too, Bailey's stayed out of the custody battle so far, why show up to this meeting.

"For now." My mom said and Bailey just shrugged, I didn't like that.

When Gordon showed up he found a seat beside Bailey and it was now time for us to start.

"Has any kind of decisions been made?" My mothers' Lawyer asked

"No." Alexander Kline was who was appointed when I asked for someone to represent Mia and what was best for her.

"So is there a reason we have all been called here?" Mom asked

"We're waiting for one more; we'll discuss it when she gets here." I noticed an extra empty seat next to Bailey and eyed her suspiciously; she still wouldn't look at me.

It was only a couple more minutes before a woman showed up and introduced herself to us as Julie Stratton.

"Why are you here?" My lawyer asked this time.

"We're all here for Melina and to discuss what's best for her." Julie said; which wasn't my mother. Bailey and Julie talked for a minute before facing us.

"Mrs. Stratton is here because I'm filing for custody of Mia." Bailey did not just speak those words.

"Excuse me." I asked, I had gone from curious to blindly furious with one sentence. I wanted to go off on her, flip a fucking table and storm out; but I didn't. I was trying so hard to stay calm in front of lawyers; the last thing I needed was to look so unstable and give a good reason to give Mia to my mother.

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