Part 10

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Spencer Reid's POV

I wake up with a headache, but not the same headache than usual. I think I've been hit in the head. I look around me, hoping to see JJ. I see her in the back of the room. She is still in her underwear, and her eyes are closed.

"JJ! JJ! Wake up!"

JJ shakes a bit and opens her eyes. I am relieved to see her alive.

"Spence! Watch out!"


I get hit in the head. I feel very tired. I close my eyes, then nothing...

* * * * * * * * * *

I painfully open my eyes.

"Well, I understood that your name is Spencer," a strange voice behind me says.

I look around me and I see JJ, unconscious, connected to a device. I notice a red liquid flowing in the pipe. The blood that flows in the pipe is JJ's.

I'm still hung. The man moves in front of me and takes my arm firmly.

"Now that I know both your names, I can start what I wanted to do since the beginning."

The man steps back, and I see him taking something. He turns back, and I get such a blow in the face. I quickly realize that the man was showering me with a pressurized sprinkler hose.

The man approaches me and asks:

"What's Jennifer's address?"

I cannot afford to disclose this information. I do not answer, and I see it irritates the man. He reopens the hose and waters me in the face; it burns. The man closes the hose and asks the same question. As I still do not answer, he reopens the hosepipe; I can hardly breathe. The man asks his question for the third time. I still don't answer and the man reopens the hosepipe, this time, I close my eyes, my breath stops and the pain slowly fades...

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