Chapter 61

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Troye's POV:

       Walking back into my house after being gone so long was like walking into school on the first day. At first it was quiet and not much happened but then one sight of someone I knew—in this case, Sage—and havoc was wreaked. My dad came tumbling down the stairs, Tyde ran into the house from the backyard, and Jagga attacked me instantly. I dropped my bags and ran my hands through the dogs fur, grinning widely. As much as I'd miss being on vacation with everyone, it was kind of nice to be back home.

       "Tyde holy fuck you grew!" I exclaimed when he walked into the room. I knew I was kind of tall, but Tyde was looming over me. Just when I left he was the same height as me.

       "Apparently, yeah." He laughed and pulled me in for a short hug. I reciprocated the gesture before turning to lock eyes with Sage. I grinned some more and wrapped my arms around her tightly. She chuckled and shook her head, stepping back after a few seconds.

       "How was your trip?" My dad asked as he clasped a hand onto my shoulder. I shrugged a little and could feel a light blush paint my cheeks.

       "It was alright..." I muttered, trying to stifle how cheerful I really felt about the trip. I walked slowly to the stair as I bit my lip, suppressing the smile that was threatening to break out.

       "Just alright?" Sage questioned disbelievingly. I nodded.

       "Mhm..." I replied just before my mom met up with me and hit the back of my head lightly.

       "You goof! It was way more than alright!" She scolded, but even she didn't sound mad. I giggled and nodded my head a little more eagerly, turning back to face everyone again.

       "It was amazing." I corrected, rubbing the back of my neck as brief memories swarmed through my mind. "Seriously, everything was so beautiful..." I trailed off as I continued to think about the night of the festival and first kiss with Tyler. As if reading my mind, my dad decided to ask about that.

       "And how was Tyler?" He wondered. I bit my lip harder and blushed, averting my eyes to the floor.

       "He was good..."I mumbled under my breath, slightly unsure of how I should word it.

       "Oh please"—My mom began and I cut her off.

       "Fine, he was great." I started up the steps. "Absolutely spectacular! Wonderful! Fantastic!" I yelled in over-exaggeration as I used big hand gestures. "He's just the best!" Once I reached the door of my bedroom I smirked and turned around to lean over the railing a little. "He's also my boyfriend." I added before hurrying into the room and slamming my door shut. I heard gasps and a few exclamations from downstairs but I just shook my head in bemusement. I plopped down onto my bed, feeling the weight of tiredness take over me.


       I woke up completely unsure of what time it was here, so I quickly pressed the home button on my phone, just to find it dead. I groaned almost inaudibly and rolled of my bed, falling on the floor with a thump. I quickly connected it to the charger and waited a few seconds before it finally came to life. I was surprised to see it was almost noon here, which I think meant it was pretty late for Tyler. I decided to see if I was right, strolling over to my desk and sitting down in the spinney chair before clicking the mouse a few time.

       I pressed the Skype application and while I waited for it to load I decided to check my email, something I haven't done in a while, which I probably should have checked more often since I had to find a college soon and I was a part of the choir at my school. Immediately hundreds of emails poured into my inbox. I let out an exasperated sigh and clicked on the latest email I've received.

Dear Troye Mellet,

       Greetings! This is a letter from the Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts! A few months ago we had representatives tour your high school and Professor Clarke, a woman you have spoken to on one occasion, found you performing in the choir room. As you know she was highly interested in your talent. She came to the head of the school and recommended you. We have read all your transcripts and witnessed videos of you performing at events.

       We have emailed you today to offer you a scholarship for our school in the name of the Visual and Performing Arts. Please respond to this email before March 25th so we may create an interview with you regarding this offer.


Professor Green.

       I gaped at the screen in front of me, rereading the email over once more to make sure I was not mistaken. I shook my head and covered my mouth with my hand in shock. This is insane. The Western Australia Academy of Performing Arts--WAAPA--was a huge school—especially for the Visual and Performing Arts. So many huge names in Australia started off there! If I went to this school, nonetheless with a scholarship, it could lead to so many great opportunities.

       There was the problem, however, that it's in Australia...

       I had already told Tyler we could create plans to move to Los Angeles together in the United States...surely he'd understand if I at least consider this. I wouldn't take it—obviously—but I could at least think about it, maybe set up an interview just to see. But I wouldn't take it. Right? I couldn't. I couldn't do that to Tyler.

       Oh but imagine how proud my family would be and where I could go in life with this. As if on some strange cue, my Skype ringtone started going off. I glanced back to the screen and my eyes widened when I realized, of course, it was Tyler Skyping me. I hovered over the decline button before letting out a gruff sigh and accepting the call.

       "Hey!" Tyler exclaimed loudly as his face lit up the screen, and for a moment I feared my speakers were going to break.

       "Hey Tyler." I greeted, not even half as enthusiastic as he was. He seemed to take notice of this, his smile faltering slightly.

       "Everything alright Troye?" He asked in a softer tone and I took a deep staggered breath. I had to tell him.

       "Yeah it's just..." I looked back into his eyes, laced with worry yet still so unbelievably happy. "Yeah, no everything's good. I'm just still jet-lagged."

       A-N: Happy part three! I'm pretty sure this is the last part of the book but I'm not sure. There will be plenty more chapters though! So yeah some drama is happening but it all leads to better things. Hope you enjoyed and please comment because I wrote this on an airplane and I'm surrounded by strangers ._. it's shaking now ahhhhh, they only gave me one cup of soda, it took me five minutes to open my bag of peanuts, my phones going to die, AND THERE'S NO WIFI AHHHH

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