Chapter 48

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Tyler's POV:

You know that feeling of nervousness? The one right before a presentation, or a thrill ride. The one where you're so anxious because it could go good or bad, anything could happen. It could go great, smoothly, everything turning out exactly how you planned. Or it could all just go downhill; you could get sick, say something you didn't mean to.

Take this emotion, multiply it by ten, and that's how it feels for your crush's mom to ask to take you to lunch.

Yeah, exactly.

Even worse, she ask if we could go without Troye. Apparently Laurelle wanted to talk to me about something, which made me even more anxious. At first, Troye refused repeatedly, until I finally cut in and agreed. The worst that could happen was she said something bad and I just took it back to Troye, she didn't scare me. Well, she didn't really scare me, but I still felt like I was talking to someone superior. Troye and the others said they were just going to stay home, maybe play some games and watch some movies. I was obviously a bit disappointed because movie time meant more cuddling time, but decided not to voice my opinion.

" look perfect, don't worry." Troye said. I was looking in the full length mirror in our room, running my hands through my hair. His chin was resting on my shoulder and his arms were around my waist, his eyes blinking sleepily. It was already one in the afternoon, but of course Troye only woke up an hour ago. His hair was curling down on his forehead and he was only wearing sweatpants, which were low on his hips.

"Troye, I'm going to eat lunch with your Mom. Alone. Just us. I'm terrified." I replied, turning around in his arms. We were so close that my breath caught, and he seemed to notice. Instead of backing away awkwardly like anyone else would do, he just rested his forehead against mine.

"If she says anything bad to you I'll throw the biggest fucking fit and never talk to her again." He whispered, but his voice was actually quite threatening.

"Troye..." I scolded and he opened his eyes, shaking his head the tiniest bit.

"I'm not over-exaggerating, Ty. Promise to tell me everything she says?" He asked and I sighed.

"Sure. Just don't worry, I'll be back as soon as I can, I promise." I moved out of his arms and then gave him a small kiss on the cheek. He gave me a small smile and I moved to walk out the door, but once I reached it a thought entered my mind. I turned around and leaned against the door frame, crossing my arms. "Do you think you'll still be shirtless by the time I get back?" I wondered and he raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want me to be shirtless by the time you get back?" He asked, a smirk seeping through his tone. I just grinned cheekily and then hurriedly left the room. I stuffed my phone into the back pocket of my jeans and went out the door. I froze upon seeing the next door in front of me, the one Laurelle was behind. I took a deep, uneven breath and knocked on the door three times. Just a few seconds later, I sighed in relief once my mom opened the door.

"Hey Ty!" She greeted, wrapping her arms around me.

"Hey mom, apparently I'm having a late lunch with Laurelle?" I told her and she nodded.

"So I heard. Mother and son-in-law bonding time." My jaw dropped as she backed away and snickered at me. "I made that last part up. Don't be nervous. It's not like I'm making Troye do this or anything." I had to agree with her on that. I'd much rather sit through a lunch with Laurelle for who knows what reason than have Troye hear the most embarrassing stories of me through my mom.

"Tyler? Is that Tyler?" I heard Laurelle call out from inside the room, and seconds later she was standing next to my mom. She beamed at me somewhat awkwardly. "I hope you don't mind we're just going to a little cafe...I don't want to get lost in Brighton." I nodded and bit my lip, not really sure what to say.

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