Chapter 31

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Troye's POV: ~~January 11th~~

Dear Tyler,

Please return my calls

Yours Sincerely,

Troye Mellet (PS...please)


"Babe come on, I know you've been busy all week but I really want to see you. Aren't you free?" Connor's voice rang through the speaker. Of course I was free, I was free all week, but I so desperately wanted to not be free, for I knew if I was free, there's only one thing I'd be talking about.

"I'm going to Zoella's today, sorry." I heard him sigh and I shut my eyes. "How about tomorrow?" I wondered, swallowing back the bile in my throat.

"Fine. Are you okay?" He asked and I shook my head, but he couldn't see me.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." And then I hung up. I slammed my phone down on the desk in my bedroom and put my hands in my hair. I felt like I was just letting everyone down lately. When I left Michigan, I didn't talk to Zoella the entire flight, and she decided to just not question me right away. Then my dad came to pick me up and he was eager for all the details. Naturally, I just shook my head and told him to cut it off. Then I got home and locked myself in my room. The only reason I went out of my room was to go to school, where I ignored everybody because I was unsure of everything. But I finally gave into Zoe's incessant pleading, telling her that after school today I'd go to her house, and so here I was, after school.

I stood up and raked my hand through my hair, walking out my bedroom door and down the stairs, hurriedly tying my shoe laces.

"Troye, where ya going?" Steele asked cheerfully.

"Zoe's." I stated firmly and he chuckled.

"You two have a thing and it's so obvious. You couldn't even go to America without each other." He teased and I sighed. So, he had yet to fine out obviously, and I was terrified for him to.

"Shut up." I mumbled and walked out the door, climbing into the car before starting it. I went down the familiar path to Zoe's house, trying to drive as slow as possible without it actually being illegal before I was outside of her house. I walked up to her door and didn't even knock before going in. Fortunately, I wasn't attacked by a group of girls this time, but from just Zoella herself.

"Finally!" She exclaimed. "You've been so down all week, what's been up with you?" She asked and I shrugged. Her eyes narrowed and she crossed her arms. "Come on, we're going up to the fort." She stated, pulling me up the stairs and up the ladder before turning on the small fairy lights. "What the hell happened in Michigan?" She wondered and I shook my head before sitting down on the carpet across from her.

"Nothing..." I mumbled and she shot me a glare.

"Tell me!"

"You're going to get mad at me..." I muttered and she shook her head.

"Troye, I promise I am here for you. You just have to tell me." She sympathized and I looked down into my lap. She's going to find out sooner or later.

"Tyler and I kissed on New Years and then at the airport he confessed his feelings for me." I squeezed my eyes shut, expecting her harsh reply, but instead was welcomed by silence. I peeked an eye open and then opened them completely when I realized all she was doing was staring at me with a blank face. She reached forward and put her hand on my knee, still not saying anything. That only caused me to panic more. "I-I know I shouldn't have let him kiss me I know that and I know I probably should have done something when he confessed to me b-but he's my best friend and I"-I couldn't continue speaking when I was breathing so fast.

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