Chapter 74

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Well here goes nothing


Ps I listened to Body Party by Ciara the entire smut part of this chapter 

Tyler's POV:

       I swear to god sexual tension was going to be the death of me. I mean, technically Troye and I could just get each other off whenever we were both feeling up to it, but new complications arose. First off, since I've begun going to school, Troye always tries to make sure I get a decent amount of sleep. With that in mind, if we wanted to fool around it'd have to be the second the dishes were in the sink after dinner. 

       Another issue was that just getting each other off was slowly not feeling like enough anymore. Of course we both enjoyed it, but I could tell we were longing for something more. We were prepared, it just never seemed like the right time to take a big step. There was one night, just a few nights ago, that he started kissing me and I almost brought it up with him. Then I became too nervous. I never really knew what to expect.

       Now it was a Saturday, our usual lazy days, and I considered taking the big step tonight--then Troye got a call. He got called to go visit the headquarters of that recording company for an audition with anything he could prepare, since apparently they had a last minute drop out. I was incredibly proud of him obviously, I was just the tiniest bit frustrated he got the call in the middle of our intense makeout session. It was like the world was against us hooking up. The second Troye was out the door though, I came up with my plan. I was going to make it an amazing night and by the end of it when we were kissing like usual, I'd tell him I want him. Well, it probably wouldn't go as easily as that, but I needed this step.

       Troye meant the world to me and I wanted to show him that through trust. I really do trust him and I want him to be my first. So when I got a text from Troye about an hour and a half later saying he was on his way home, I made my way into the kitchen to heat up the pasta I was making for dinner. As I was stirring the sauce in, I heard the front door open and close, followed by a quiet mumbling of a song. A few moments later, I felt Troye wrap his arms around my waist from behind and rest his chin on my shoulder, singing the song into my ear with a hushed tone.

       "Settle down with me..." He kissed the skin below my ear and I giggled, turning around in his arms to put my hands on his shoulders while he grinned at me. "I'll be your safety, you'll be my baby." I bit my lip and shook my head, slowly leaning up on my toes so our noses were touching.

       "Welcome home Beautiful." I whispered and he smiled slightly before I softly pressed my lips to his. We didn't rush the kiss, we hardly even moved. The kiss just was, and that was beyond good enough for me. When we moved away from the kiss, we only let enough space between us so we could speak.

       "What're you making?" He wondered, and I turned back around slightly.

       "Pasta. Nothing special." I shrugged, pouring it into two bowls. I started to bring them out to the dining table while Troye grabbed the bottle of wine from the fridge (a present from Korey after he came over to meet Troye). The table we had was a perfect square, seating only four people. I set the bowls down on their respective placemats and then took my own seat while Troye poured the wine into our glasses. He sat down soon after and we began eating. "How was your audition?" I asked and he bit back a smile.

       "Do you want the professional me's answer or the eager six year old me's answer?" He questioned and I narrowed my eyes at him. He laughed, understanding what I was saying. "I think it went really amazing Tilly! They were smiling the whole time and when we reached my break we had some really casual conversations, not to mention that they literally made me sing a song that they were saving for another one of their signed singers that no one else has ever heard before! I'm honestly so excited. I think I could really get this." He rambled on and I couldn't help but feel the corner of my lips lift as I watched him in awe, my chin on my hand. After a few more seconds of rambling he seemed to realize I hadn't said a word and slowly became quiet with shy features. "I'm rambling, aren't I?" He raked his hand through his hair self consciously and my smile only grew.

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