Chapter 10

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Tyler's POV:

Dear American Man With No Life,

        I don't see why I bother anymore, just text me ya loser.

Sincerely Yours,

        Troye Sivan The Boy Who's Number You Have ThereFore You No Longer Need Letters Carry On

        "Any hope?" I asked Alfie as his eyes stayed glued to his phone screen.

        "She keeps telling me she doesn't know how to bring it up to her dad." Alfie grumbled, not really paying much attention to me. "Ugh." He slammed his phone down on the lunch table. "This was such a stupid idea. I never should have asked her!" 

        "Hey calm down! If it's meant to be, it'll work out in the end." I tried my best to console.

        "Tyler put yourself in my shoes. What if this was Troye on the other end?" He said and my eyes widened by the tiniest bit.

        "What are you"--

        "Wouldn't you just do everything to meet him?" He assumed and I scoffed.

        "Alfie, I do not have feelings for Troye." I reminded with a quiet voice so no one else would hear. He just shot me a glare.

        "Well think about Troye right now. Pretend you're desparately in love with him. Pretend that all you want and all you care about is making them happy. Wouldn't you want to meet the person who made you feel like this?" He asked as I was caught in my daze. Imagine if Troye was that guy...

        "Oh become a fucking poet..." I mumbled under my breath, too quiet for him to hear. "Can you fly out to Australia for the holidays?" I wondered.

        "No...I don't have the money to pay on my own, and I wouldn't make Zoe pay just so I can come. I'd pay for her though." A new light appeared in his eyes when he spoke Zoe's name.

        "Well that's great for you. Glad you could find someone that makes you so happy." I gave him a soft smile and he pat my back.

        "You too." I furrowed my eyebrows at his comment and he smirked. "I saw you on the phone with him during Truth or Dare." I rolled my eyes.

        "Your point is?"

        "You're genuinely very happy around him. It's nice for a change." He shrugged and I stood up.

        "Believe what you want, I don't fall in love with people unless I meet them in person. Gooooodbyeee!" I exclaimed and made my way out of the cafeteria. I wove through the halls, dodging every person who came my way as my thoughts bundled together.

        Troye's cute. Like, really cute. But I wouldn't necessarily say I have a crush on him. And sure I'm happier with him than I am with most people, but that doesn't mean I like him any differently. And yeah, I do find myself stalking his social media's at night, but that's just because he has great posts. And the only reason I have a few pictures of him saved on my phone are because I was trying to find a profile picture for him in my contacts. I haven't decided which one yet though so I usually check them out every once in a while to see which one it could be. I do not have a crush on him though.

        And that's why I found myself sitting on the familiar bench in the old withering garden of the school, dialing Troye's number and pressing my phone to my ear. It rang a good five times before I heard something shifting on the other end.

Letters To You (A Troyler AU)Where stories live. Discover now