Chapter 21

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Troye's POV: (AGAIN?! GASP) 

Timeskip: This chapter STARTS on December 20th, so if you're wondering then it takes place 2 weeks and four days after the previous chapter. 

Also, all that happened in those two weeks: Tronnor cute stuff you don't want to read, Troye being more or less isolated at home, and Tyler and Troye still haven't talked. Just so you know nothing changed in those two weeks. 

        Do I text him, or do I just let it be? We HAVE to talk more about my trip to Michigan, I can't just go there blind on what we're doing. I still have yet to find out if I'm going to a hotel or staying with him. Maybe Zoe and I are sharing a hotel room. But still...I couldn't just text him. What if he was upset at me over something and decided to uninvite me from the trip two days before I left? I couldn't stand that idea. But still, I didn't want to just arrive in the airport and have him take one glance at me for saying anything. I let out a groaned that trailed into a sigh before picking my phone up again.        

        During the week of Thanksgiving, my mom said I could only use my phone if I was going to go out with a friend but now since I'm leaving soon, she finally gave it back. She said she's still questioning whether or not to take it away again when I get back. I just hope she decides to leave me alone after New Years. Oh, that's another thing. I wasn't even sure how long I was staying! 

        I clicked onto Tyler's contact, quickly typing out a small text...and then deleting it. I typed out of few more words, and trashed that one too. I couldn't find an appropriate conversation starter after his silence. I sighed out again, realizing what I had to do. I shoved my phone into the pocket of my jeans and pulled my tan jacket closer to my body, adjusting my beanie once in the mirror before walking out of my room.

        "Walking to the park!" I exclaimed, hoping someone would hear so I wouldn't have to address them face to face.

        "The park only!" My mom called back and I rolled my eyes while heading out the front door. It's not like I could actually go anywhere anyways. She was still tracking my phone. The cold air whisked around me the second I stepped out, causing my quiff to insist on falling down on my forehead. I stuffed my hands in the pockets of my jacket and breathed out again to look at the puffs of white my breath made. They rolled in the air, dancing playfully around my head before vanishing into the atmosphere around me. The park was right next to my house, a little abandoned Elementary school that had a small field that kids played at. Although, now that it's December, kids rarely showed up. There was the occasional stoner, but they usually tried to go to a worn down part of the building where no one would see them. 

        I nearly jumped in the air at the sonorous bang of a car door slamming shut to my left. I turned to face the noise, only to meet my eyes with Steele.

        "Hey Troye." He greeted with a brotherly smile. "Where you off to?" He wondered with a soft, kind tone. If I hadn't known him better, I would have been comfortable enough to come out as gay right that second.

        "The park. I'll be back soon." I replied gruffy, turning before I coud get a response. I was not in the mood to talk to a judgemental bigot right now, otherwise known as my lovely brother. I hurried up the pace of my feet as the air really started to nip at my nose, until finally my shoes stepped onto a cushiony material. I looked at my surroundings, letting the park sink in again. It wasn't a clean place, not really. Parts of the building had feel down, while others were just old and dusty looking. The grass outlining the school was withering, a mixture of forest green and brown. A little bit of fog hovered around the area, but nothing too drastic.

        Despite the ominous feeling it gave anyone who stepped foot near it, there was an underlying beauty to it. You could almost see all the memories and hardships the place went through, and after all this time here it is, still standing. I mean, the plot of land was a decent size and in a good neighborhood, there had to be SOMETHING decent about this place for it to still be standing and not taken down by some office.

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