Chapter 38

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A-N: Funny story, I'm trying to remember this one Troyler fanfic I read but the only thing I can remember is a smutty scene XD but I remember actually enjoying the fanfic itself. So if anyone knows of a troyler fic where Troye and Tyler fall asleep in the same bed and then Troye starts having a dream (Wink wink) and grind against Tyler in his sleep, tell me XD

Troye's POV:

"Troye?" Someone greeted, sounding tired. I groaned into my pillow to let them know I was listening. "Breakfast is"—yawn—"ready." I groaned again and then Dan exited the room without saying another word. I sighed into my pillow and sat up, rubbing my eyes wearily before reaching over and clutching onto my cell phone. I squinted at the bright screen, realizing I had multiple messages. My stomach felt sick when I read the names of each of them.

Dad, mom, and Tyler.

I had a strong urge to click on Tyler's contact first, like I always did because, well, it was him, but I just couldn't right now. My thoughts were still jumbled together from our talk the other day. He said he'd stop having feelings for me, that he'd try...for me. But the thing is,'s been really difficult for me to think about it because I'm not sure I wanted him to stop. It wouldn't be fair for me though, to tell him to just wait a little while longer to see what my feelings are, what I want. It'd be wrong.

So obviously I clicked on my dad's text, but was just disappointed to see that he was trying to get me to reply to my mom. Why would she text me in the first place? It's not like she cared about me for the past few months, why now? But despite my disappointment, I did check her texts, and I was shocked for what I found.

 Mom: Troye...can we go out and talk somewhere? Please?

She wanted to talk to me? About what? I wasn't sure what to say, I wasn't sure if I should say anything. What if she was on Steele's side and kicked me out of the house?

"TROYE?!" Someone called, interrupting my thoughts.

"Coming!" I responded and stood up, walking down the small hallway to the living room. "Breakfast?" I asked Dan and Phil and they both looked up at me from their bowls of cereal. I then noticed the four different cereal boxes sitting on the coffee table. Classy.

"Just don't eat from my box of cereal." Dan warned and I chuckled, grabbing a random box and pouring it into an empty bowl.

"So you, like, live here?" I wondered. It's not like I would judge them or anything, it just seemed a bit young. He laughed at this and Phil smiled.

"Not exactly. I just stay here so often it seems like I do." He replied and I smiled back.

"My parent's are out of the house a lot so it's good for some company." Phil added on and I nodded.

"Well I hope I'm not bothering you too much. I'll try to be out of here as quick as possible." I mentioned and he shook his head.

"It's okay, really. Take as much time as you need." Although I didn't go into full detail about what happened to me, I did tell them the basics and Phil soon got very concerned, insisting I stay with them as long as I need. Dan was also concerned but he didn't show it as outwardly as Phil. I took a bite of my cereal, but right at that second, my phone started ringing. I swallowed the bite hastily and slipped my phone out of my pocket, realizing it was a Skype call. I swallowed hard and took a deep breath. I couldn't just decline, then he'd know something was wrong. Was something wrong? I didn't even know.

"Who is it?" Dan asked as the call was being connected.

"Tyler..." I mumbled abashedly and they both smirked, moving quickly to sit on either side of me. "Guys." I groaned and Phil furrowed his eyebrows.

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