Hello friends

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       Hey guys, what do you know? It's me! It's been nearly a year since I've last updated this story, or, well, since I've finished it, and now it's reached two hundred-thousand reads. That's incredible.

       I don't have much to say, because I know only maybe eleven people are going to read this note, but I just felt like I had to say thanks. I was in a really bad place the entire year I wrote this story, but if I ever needed to feel support I knew I could just say something on here and you would all be frantically commenting to make me feel better. I can tell you with 100% sincerity that I am ridiculously happy right now, and have been since soon after I finished this story.

       I know I don't have to make a formal announcement or anything, but just thought I should share that, for at least a while, I'm done writing on Wattpad. As much as I really enjoyed it, I don't need this outlet anymore, which is actually a good thing. I just wanted to say thanks for letting me share my thoughts, idea's, and worlds on here.

       I'll see if I have anything else to update, since I do have a few things in the 'drafts' section that I might quickly finish up, but maybe not.

       I'm off to bed now but if you're reading this, I hope you're all good. If not now, then soon anyways.

       I love you guys, my messages are still open if you ever want to talk, or you can just comment on my profile. Thanks again :) xx Carly Belle

(p.s. stay strong, you've got this)

Letters To You (A Troyler AU)Where stories live. Discover now