Chapter 5

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Troye's POV:

Dear Troye-Boy,

        Hey!!! Hopefully you found me on the social media sites? I tried reblogging or tagging you in a few things. Sorry none of my site's are really personal. (You still have never even seen a glance of what I look like), but I've seen some pictures of you. You're a natural Tumblr boy, if I do say so myself.

        And now, I don't know if it's just an Australian versus American thing, but the names of you and your family members are so unique and cool! The direction opposite of mine. Not that I'm complaining, I think it's much cooler to show off friends than to brag about yourself. And ooh, care to elaborate on your crush? There is NOBODY at my school worth mentioning. I have only had ONE crush in all of highschool, and even he I got over within a month. Kind of makes me sad, almost like I've been feeling a withdrawal from actually liking someone.

        Now before I get sappy, I might as well update you on Alfie. He's become OBSESSED. Ever since Zoella sent him the name of her Blog, he hasn't shut up about her. It's cute I guess. I'm kind of worried for him...not that I don't trust Zoe, of course,'s not like she just goes to another high school or something. Alfie tends to cling on too much. And they've only "known" each other for about two weeks. Scary thing to think about for me I guess.

        Well my pen is about to run out of ink! But I might as well ask you some more things. You better not have a dumbass excuse next time like a Chemistry test. ;) 

        Um well what's your opinion on these letter's so far? I guess...until next time.

--Tyler Oakslay

        I hugged my jacket closer to my chest at his latest letter. He was really willing to listen to me, wasn't he? I mean...I mentioned one thing about maybe having a crush on someone and he was all ears! Or, well, all eyes...but still. It made me excited to know that I had someone who I coudl rant to, but it always terrified the shit out of me. 

        Even in his other letter when he asked for my best friend's name, it scared me. It's not like I was nervous for him to know who Connor was, I just realized Connor was probably the only friend I had to talk about. I mean, sure, there were other people. Zoe, Dan, Phil, even my little brother, Tyde, but we weren't..."best" friends. Zoe was sweet, and we hung out a little, but the only reason why we continued to talk now was so I could basically be her secret agent on Alfie. Dan and Phil were cool, but I had only seen them outside of school once, and even that was an accident. They weren't really the two kids in the school you'd want to be seen hanging out with. 

        If you were a part of Dan and Phil's group, you were either a nerd, a new kid, or gay. Nothing wrong with any of those, and it's not like it did anything to you. Oh yeah, except completely ruin your reputation and make you hate life until you graduate, sometimes even longer. Now, don't get me wrong, it's not like everyone at my school was terribly homophobic. I mean, everyone was actually completely supportive of it. No one insisted it was a sin, and no one said it was gross, but if it gave them something they could tease you about, they'd use it to their advantage. Like, for example, when Dan came out as Bisexual. We had one popular group in our school, consisting of Cameron, Nash, Aaron, Matt, Taylor, Carter, and Shawn. Cameron was technically the 'king' of the school. Anyways, wheneved Dan passed by their group, Cameron would force couples to smush him on either side.

        The most popular stunt Cameron performed with Dan was when we he managed to get Dan drunk at a party. He then commenced a game of truth or dare, and dared Dan to make out with Tanya and then Jim. Of course he got a video with it, which was running on YouTube and facebook and vine for the rest of his years of highschool, even now in his senior year. By the end of the night, Dan had a black eyes, a bleeding jaw, and was blubbering and crying hard. Of course, that was the one night I saw Dan out of high school, like I mentioned before. He never did go to a party again, or at least not a high school party. Especially ones where he was invited through a FaceBook post meant for everyone. Poor guy, didn't know a single soul at the party. Phil drove him home, but that's when they met.

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