Chapter 73

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Please just comment, I need it tonight. I feel like crap.

Troye's POV:

       As Tyler left for his fifth day of school, the last of the school week, I waved goodbye, acting as though everything in life was perfect. I mean, everything was almost perfect. I guess I just realized that WAAPA was a once in a lifetime offer. Not that I wanted to go to that school necessarily, or any school at all, it just seems that no other place really wants me either.

       I have corresponded with multiple recording companies but all have turned me down, even if I just wanted to intern--for free. Of course, Tyler didn't know yet. Every time he asked me how the 'job search' was going I'd just say the exact same thing.

       "Good, still looking." It wasn't really a lie, just take out 'good' and it'd be 100% the truth. Honestly, I was worried. Tyler was going to college, getting an education and living his life and what was I do? Sitting on my laptop feeling like utter shit. I paced around the house a few times before doing the thing I've done the past few days, sat on the couch. 

       I placed the computer onto my lap and searched up 'music recording companies in LA'. The first few suggestions that came up have already been looked at. In fact, I literally had to go to the second page on google to get to the ones I haven't looked at. The first one that came up looked a little sketchy, so I scrolled to the second one. It didn't seem too bad, but it was too far. I scrolled down once more and my eyes widened. I recognized it. The company wasn't extremely famous or anything but it was where a lot of smaller singers went to be signed often, then later became a little more known. I bit my lip as I clicked onto the page and copied the email address down.

To: xxxxxxx records

Subject: Troye Sivan Mellet

       Hello, my name is Troye Mellet. I am 19 years old and am an aspiring musician in search of a career. I am hoping to catch a meeting with an associate from your recording company if it is at all possible? All ways to contact me all below. Thank you!


        Troye Mellet

       I took a deep breath as I pressed send and watched as the email filtered through the system, lost forever. I raked both of my hands through my hair as I let out the breath I was holding. I was debating whether or not to tell Tyler now or until I'm sure I got the job. I might as well let him in now, he deserves to know too. 


       "Baby?" I heard Tyler call out. It was the first thing he said every time he came back from school. I tapped my foot eagerly against the ground, grinning while I tried to contain my excitement to tell him the possibly good news.

       "In the bedroom!" I replied. A few seconds later, Tyler came walking in with a smile, holding his arms open for me. My grin grew as I flung my arm around his neck, pressing my lips to his. He giggled against my mouth and pulled away slightly.

       "Well someone's happy." He noticed and I nodded quickly. I opened my mouth to say something, but he cut me off. "My friend Korey's here. He wanted to meet you." He mentioned and I felt the excitement in me dissipate slightly. I wanted to tell Tyler about the company I found when we were alone. This company was always signing people, no matter who they were, which was basically a guarantee I'd have a job soon. I felt my smile falter before I notched it back up again.

       "Great! I'd love to meet him too." I replied and he took his hand in mine to pull me out to the living room. My eyes instantly landed on a guy a few inches taller than me with brain hair and stubble. "Hi!" I greeted, feeling slightly shy as he extended his hand to me.

       "Hey, my name's Korey! It's nice to finally meet you." He greeted kindly. I reciprocated his grin and glanced between him and Tyler, feeling too socially awkward to speak.

       "Beers?" Tyler suggested and we both nodded. I took a seat on the couch, soon followed by Korey while Tyler went to get the beers. I drummed my fingers silently against the arm of the couch as awkward tension filled the air.

       "Um so you go to school with Tyler?" I began with the small talk, not really wanting to just sit here in silence.

       "Yeah we have communications together." He responded and I nodded my head. "So uh Ty tells me you guys just moved in?"

       "Yeah just a little while ago. Took a while to find this place though." I mentioned and he rolled his eyes in agreement, as though knowing the struggle.

       "Wait, so where did you live before? Tyler told me you guys were pen pals but I haven't heard much more detail." He wondered.

       "I actually lived in Australia." I answered with a grin as I remembered the place I grew up in. His jaw dropped in disbelief. "Yeah, it was amazing there. So beautiful. Tyler got to see it for, like, a day and a half." I giggled and he chuckled.

       "Wow, you know, there's this guy back in my area of Michigan who used to live in Australia." He added and I raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, his name was Caspar. I knew him for a bit before he moved to another part of Michigan." My lips parted at his words. I guess Caspar just fucking knew everyone, how ironic. 

       "Hm yeah I might of met him once or twice." I replied, deciding not to deal with how well Tyler and I knew Caspar. And then began a whole conversation about the differences between Australia and America. Korey actually seemed pretty great. A few minutes into the discussion, I glanced up to find Tyler leaning against the doorframe, watching us with a smirk and three beers in his hands. Korey seemed to noticed that my attention drifted elsewhere, and he watched as Tyler walked in the room and handed us our beers. "Why were you staring?" I asked with a light laugh and he shrugged with a smile.

       "I guess I just have a good taste in best friends." He replied, kissing my cheek quickly. "You too are obsessed with each other."


       I have to admit, when Korey left later that night I was a little upset. He was actually a really fun guy to talk to, and his personality was a lot like Tyler's so we got along well. Tyler sighed as we shut the door, turning around to face me.

       "Was he okay?" He asked and I rolled my eyes.

       "He's awesome Ty, and we are definitely inviting him over again some time." I reassured. I know how nervous Tyler got about me meeting his friends, as though they'd make me like him less or something.

       "Good." He replied simply. "I know it's not late but I'm exhausted. Shall we hit the hay?" I smiled and nodded, wrapping my arms loosely around his neck before he turned to walk away.

       "I just um...I have something to tell you." I muttered and he furrowed his eyebrows.

       "Is it about why you were so happy earlier?" He wondered and I nodded with a soft smile.

       "I found this recording company that's just...amazing! And they're always signing people. I think I have a shot." I explained, unable to hide my eagerness. Tyler's jaw dropped and he let out a squeal.

       "Troye that's incredible!" He exclaimed, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a hug. "I love you so much and am so proud of you." I nodded against his shoulder as I pulled him closer to me. Maybe everything was as perfect as could be.

A-N: Do you realize what number next chapter is?

Btw please comment, I'm not really feeling well tonight and I'm not sure how to fix what's wrong so I'd love some nice comments

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