Chapter 19

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Tyler's POV: ~~~November 26th, Night of Thanksgiving~~~

        I scooped some more cranberry sauce onto my plate and then moved to sit back down on the couch next to Alfie. We were all celebrating Thanksgiving at Grace's house. Grace's house, though, looked exactly like Hannah's house since they were nextdoor neighbors and their houses were the same model. 

        "So Alfie, your girlfriends coming out here soon, huh?" Colleen began and he smiled while nodding his head.

        "Yeah, I cannot wait to meet her!" He exclaimed. "We have been talking nonstop and...I'm just really looking forward to possibly making something out of this." He explained and they all awed.

        "That's sweet. And what about Tyler's boyfriend?" Hannah teased, wiggling her eyebrows at me. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help the blush that instantly filled my cheeks at the thought of Troye.

        "We've been sending each other letter's because something happened with his mom. But I'm not expecting anything out of Troye or this visit, really, I'm just meeting a best friend." I said and Marcus laughed while Grace smiled.

        "Would you be against it though? Making something out of this visit?" She wondered and I bit my lip while shrugging.

        "I mean...I guess if he is gay and there's something there...I wouldn't mind it..." I was lying though. I wouldn't just not mind it. I would fucking be ecstatic! Imagining cuddling with Troye, kissing Troye, saying I love you to Troye. Sure, he had a crush now, but that didn't mean he couldn't suddenly have feelings for me. I knew I was just getting my hopes up, but hey, a guy can dream. But I wasn't going to be drooling over Troye the entire time he's here. I was genuinely looking forward to getting to know him as a real best friend, not just some pen pal. I always hoped this trip opened up vacations in the future for us, where we could actually fly out and see each other every once in a while. 

        Despite how much I just wanted to be friends with for now, it couldn't stop me from day dreaming or thinking late at night, when I was alone. I knew my mom would absolutely love him, there's no doubt about it. The rest of my family and friends would be jealous of our relationship, and I could be there for him when he uploads his first YouTube video, like a boyfriend should. 

        I was slightly nervous though...what if we when we hang out he talks nonstop about his crush? I'm not a good actor, everyone knows it. He'd know I'd be feigning happiness the second he started talking about it. What then? Do I just lie and tell him I got out of a bad relationship or something? 

        "Tyler!" My head snapped up from my food and I hurriedly look around, trying to figure out who yelled my name. My eyes finally met with Jenna's. We weren't that close, but she was cool to hang out with sometimes. "I swear you're deaf sometimes. I've been calling your name for like two whole minutes!" She rolled her eyes but grinned to show she wasn't actually mad.

        "What?" I asked, just trying to get her to cut to the chase. 

        "I was just thinking that maybe we could all get to meet Troye..." She explained and my lips parted in surprise as everyone stared at me with hope flickering in their eyes.

        "I mean, yeah sure...I didn't know you guys wanted to meet him so badly." I said honestly. I'm really glad they wanted to meet him, it'd be awesome if we could all act like friends with him and include him in our group. The only thing that gave me a twinge of nervousness when it came to my friends was that they'd be way too overwhelming for Troye and he'd get tired of them. I shook away the thoughts, smiling as we continued on with a new conversation.

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