Chapter 11

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Troye's POV:

        My breaths were staggered, foot tapping hurriedly upon the ground, and eyes glued to my hands as I sat on the bench right outside of the school. My bottom lip was cracked and sore from being knawed on so much just because of my nerves. It's not like there's any reason I should be nervous for my phone call with Tyler, I just was. What if I said something wrong? What if he realized how lame I am?         

        What if he doesn't call?

        I shook my head, clearing my thoughts. I still had like two minutes before 12, and it's not like I expected him to call instantly. I've only ever been this close to someone once, and that's Connor, but even that is different. I've never been this close and so far at the same time. What if Tyler suddenly realized how annoying my accent is, or how half the time on our calls it's just dead silent because I can't think of a coherent thought, or what if he finds another picture of me and finally notices just how skinny I am? What if he finds my weight as disgusting as I do? It's not like I've always been this insecure...but when you enter highschool the way I did, you don't feel too good about yourself. 

        "Troye?" I flipped around in my seat and immediately grinned, like I do every time my eyes land upon Connor coming my way. Or, well, Connor is mention or seen at all. 

        "Hey." I greeted and gestured to the spot next to me. He happily sat down and smiled, but confusion was clear in his eyes.

        "Why are you sitting here? It's lunch, don't you want to go out. A new frozen yogurt place opened down the street so I thought we could go grab something to eat together." I blushed at his words, even though they weren't remotely romantic. I just liked him saying that, together.

        "Frozen yogurt?" I quirked my eyebrows. "For lunch?" He scoffed and rolled his eyes.

        "When have you ever cared when we ate junk food, Mr. Nutella God. Come on, it'll be fun!" He poked my arm repeatedly until I finally sighed.

        "Sure, I wouldn't miss and opportunity to eat lunch with my FAVORITE PERSON." I said loudly, sarcasm evident in my tone. Weird how true the statement was though. "I'm just waiting for Tyler to call me." I informed and something flashed across his face, just for a moment. I couldn't exactly describe what it was, just that it seemed to leave him unsure of what to say for a moment.

        "O-Oh?" He replied and I cocked my head to the side. "Tyler? Is that your penpal?"        

        "Yeah." I nodded my head. "He's a great guy. It'll only be for a few minutes though I swear! And we can start walking while I'm on the phone with him." The same expression crossed his features, but it lasted longer this time. It kind of resembled disappointment--but there was something more to it.

        "Okay! Sure. Put it on speaker, it'd be cool to meet him." He flashed me a smile right as my phone started buzzing in my pocket. I grinned as I slipped it out, noticing it had just turned 12. I rolled my eyes and pressed the 'accept' button, quickly clicking on the speaker button.

        "Tyler Oakley, I am impressed." I greeted. I heard giggle on the other end and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes with a smirk.

        "Hey baaaabe!" Tyler replied loudly and I laughed. I glanced to Connor and noticed he was biting his lip. When he saw me staring, his face broke out into a smile and he chuckled. "Whatcha up to?" I licked my lips and smiled while shaking my head lightly at his childish tone.

        "I'm actually just about to head off to lunch with my f-friend Connor." I mentally cursed myself for stuttering on the word friend.

        "Uh actually, Troye," Connor interrupted, "I'm just going to eat from the cafeteria today with Zoella. I promised her we'd talk about the decorations for Halloween." My heart dropped when I remembered they are in ASB together. Why didn't he remember this earlier? Did he just not want to remember it and now he does?

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