Chapter 29

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A-N: Oops.

Tyler's POV:

        I blinked.

        That's what I did when I woke up. I blinked and then blinked again and then my jaw dropped.

        Well that's the short version of it anyways, the more detailed version goes like this. I wake up from the best sleep I've had in nights, and am instantly warm when I wake up even though I forgot to put the blanket on me the night before. I figured out why the instant I realized I was wrapped in someone else's--Troye's--arms. But I knew better. Despite, wanting to stay in his arms all morning and be there when he woke up, I knew he'd be disappointed and upset he woke up to find us sleeping together. So I subtly lifted his arm off of me and placed it down before standing up and hurrying to the kitchen.

        Thoughts swirled around in my brain, not giving me a moment's of rest while I made my coffee.        

        Last night was absolutely amazing. Troye said all those wonderful things about me and I feel like we just got into such a deeper level of our relationship last night--well...our friendship. And I remember last night, I hated to talk about Connor, but I decided to cut him some slack and ask about his relationship. I wasn't sure how I felt about the response he gave me. I mean...I was kind of pleased, thinking he might be single again soon, but then again all I wanted was for Troye to be happy, and I knew that Connor really did make him happy. That's why I felt terrible for basically cuddling with him last night. He should be cuddling with Connor. Not me...

        I sighed and took a sip of my scolding hot coffee, brushing aside the temperature. All these reasons though was why it was a good thing and a bad thing Troye was going back to Australia within just a few days. He would go back to his boyfriend and would be happy with him, not hanging out with another guy who's totally falling for him. It'll be better for him and he'll be happier. It wasn't good at the same time though because for my own selfish reasons, I just wanted him to stay. I liked waking up with him, whether it was in his arms or not. I liked making plans with him, I liked him hanging out with my friends. And who know's...maybe this is a one time thing. Maybe we won't be able to see each other in person again. 

        My sad thoughts were put on pause when I heard a groan coming from the room over, a light thud, and then Troye stumbling into the kitchen. He was rubbing at his eyes, wiping the sleep out of them, but then froze when I saw me. He ran a hand through his messy hair while giving me a nervous smile.        

        "Oh. Hey." He said with a grin. "Sorry about last night, I was so tired I just fell asleep instantly." He apologized, moving around me to get an empty mug.

        "It's no problem, really." I insisted, happy and confused with how easily he was taking everything. I felt a small flutter in my chest when I realized he was still wearing the necklace I gave him. "It's noon now, your normal wakeup time."  I teased. "So the guests will be arriving at ten." I explained and he nodded, taking a sip from his finished coffee.

        "Okay cool. So. How are we spending the last day of 2015?" He asked and I smiled.

        "Well do you have any New Year's resolutions? Anything you have to stop doing when the clock strikes 12?" I wondered.

        "I only have one." He replied and I raised my eyebrows, waiting for him to explain more. "I'll tell you later. It's not useful right now." He said and I sighed.

        "Tumblr time?" I wondered and he nodded eagerly, letting us plop on the couch to scroll through Tumblr. 


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