Chapter 34

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This chapter has been so frustrating so hopefully it actually works this time

A-N: I just planned the next few chapters and I already feel like crying (and not happy fangirling cries either sorry guys)


Troye's POV:

I didn't check my phone until the day after I hung out with Dan and Phil and everyone else. I guess I was just a bit nervous for how he was going to take the text I sent him. I was just trying to have fun, not be serious or anything. The instant I woke up though, I picked up my phone and noticed a text message from Tyler. It was a picture of him, a pretty normal picture, except for the fact that 1: His arms looked fucking amazing and 2: His hair was now a dyed white blonde. It actually really suited him.

Tilly- You make me strong.

He finished my text, he understood the lyrics. I felt a smile grow on my face at the thought and I actually had to cover my mouth to stop from giggling.

Me- Your hair looks fucking fabulous Tilly

I sat down on the edge of my bed then as I awaited his reply, which came back only a second later.

Tilly- Oh, you know, just looking for some hot guys so I decided to shake things up a bit

I laughed aloud at his sarcastic response and decided to just spam him with emojis instead of actually thinking up a clever reply. I groaned when I realized I had school once again today. I usually wasn't this completely desperate to just miss school, but with my bed underneath me all I could think about was a few more hours of sleep.

But still, I got up, showered, and left like there was nothing better to do with my day. Then again, maybe there was nothing better to do. After I hung out with the new group, I had gotten the numbers of almost everyone there, which made me almost...excited for school? I mean, when I was crushing on Connor, I'd love going to school, just because then I'd get to see him, but this was a whole new kind of excitement. It just made me feel like anything could happen today, which was a good and free feeling. In fact, when I parked my car in front of the school, they were the first group I saw. I hopped out of the car, pulling my bag higher on my shoulder, and took a nervous breath before hurrying over to them. Sure, we hung out once, does that mean I could just continue hanging out with them? What if they found out they didn't like me?!

"H-Hey guys." I greeted timidly and they all turned to me, grinning. A few people weren't here, more of the 'cooler' guys like Ryan, or all the girls (except Louise).



"Sup." Some of them mumbled but then went straight back to arguing about some game they found and which was the best avatar. I shoved my hands in the pocket of my jeans and bit my lip, looking down to the ground. Wow, making new friends can be really awkward. I kicked a small pebble on the ground in front of me and watched as it hopped across the cold concrete. I debated whether it'd be rude or not to pull out my phone. It's not like anyone was talking to me anyways. I slipped my phone discreetly out of my pocket and unlocked it.

Tilly- Whatcha up to?

I smiled instantly.

Me- Just hanging with some new friends of mine. They're pretty chill but I don't think I'm quite 'in' yet

It was literally only half a second later before he replied.

Tilly- Slay me with a selfie, prince

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