Chapter 18

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(A-N: Sorry...)

Troye's POV: ~~~November 25~~~ (sorry for all the time gaps, nothing happens seriously)

        My eyes flicked open as I felt my shoulder being shoved a little. I groaned as I looked out the cold glass window I was leaning on and realized I was finally at school. It's been a while since I've ever wanted to be at school more than home, but I guess time changes some things. One day you're an assumed heterosexual teen who stays up way too late and dreads waking up the next morning, and then you're a gay male who wakes up ten minutes earlier than usual because all your electronics got taken away so you have nothing to do at night.

        I was starting to miss simple things that technology brought me, like Connor texting me to make sure I got home safe, or my late night Skype calls with Tyler. At first I was afraid losing my computer and phone would mean my closeness with Tyler would only slip away, but we decided to continue up the letters in class since it was near the end of the semester anyways, which was the end of the project. We might as well have some last letter's. 

        So now I begrudgingly rubbed my eyes, blinked a few times, and then leaned down to grab my back pack strap.

        "Hurry. You're going to be late, Troye Mellet." My mom hissed as she unlocked my car door. I rolled my eyes and huffed out a sigh, stumbling from the car and walking into the school without a glance back. My mom has been treating me better than expected. Besides no access to the car or electronics (besides the TV), she's been acting fairly okay. There was a judgmental tone here and there but she never called me names, never physically hurt me, and didn't forbid me from seeing any of my friends. In fact, she's been encouraging me to hang out with Zoella and the rest of the girls more and more, silently insisting they could influence me to rethink my sexuality. Really all she was doing was giving me more time to talk about Connor with other people. Zoella, though, was the only one who actually knew what was going on between me and my family. The other girls just knew I had an argument with my mom, and Connor thought the same.        

        Ever since my coming out, Sage sat next to me during dinner and then we would go upstairs at the same time. While she got ready for bed, she'd let me use her phone for a bit and then would take it back to her room to charge. Tyde was more indifferent, yet somewhat awkward towards the situation. He seemed to not really care that I was gay, he was just worried whenever he was around my mom and me at the same time, which wasn't too often. My dad stayed on my mom's side, making sure I had no technology of any sort, but when one of Tyler's recent letter's fell out of my bag, he just scanned it over and handed it back to me with a soft smile. Steele, on the other hand, who's still with our family, has absolutely no idea about the reason behind the whole falling out I had with my mom, since he was out with old friends when it happened. Apparently he asked mom why everyone was so tense and she just said that we had an argument about something she disagreed with. No matter how much I would like to think she used that excuse to keep me safe from Steele, I know she was probably just too ashamed to say the reasoning behind it.

        But I put that behind me, brushed it all off my shoulders. I'm going to school now, the one place where I can forget about the fact I live in a mostly homophobic household. It's extra helpful when a super cute boy is in some of my classes. Speak of the devil.

        "Troye! Troye Mellet! Get your ass over here!" Connor laughed with a huge grin plastered on his face. He gestured me to hurry over to him so I chuckled, jogging over to the picnic table he was sitting on with his legs hanging over the side, feet lightly sitting on the bench. I raked my hand through my hair as I finally came to a stop next to him, placing my bag on the ground and hopping onto the empty spot of the table to his left.

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