Chapter 17

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Tyler's POV: ~~November 15~~

        "And she wants to do my makeup, tour Hollywood, meet my family..." Alfie rambled as he talked about his future plans with Zoella. I continued to fold his clothes as I sat on his bed. I just drove over to his house without asking so I couldn't really complain when I had to help him clean his room. He was picking stuff off the ground but I chose this because it seemed easier. And it's not that I wasn't happy for him and Zoe, it just made me even more envious. It had been 15 days since my phone call with Troye, that's a little over two weeks! And we haven't talked since. Well, he hasn't talked since...

        I didn't want to seem like I was some clingy guy constantly texting to him to reply, but two weeks is kind of low. While Alfie continued to talk, not paying attention to me, I slipped out my phone to check Troye's texts.

        Me--November 1--: Hey Troye!

        Me--November 3--: Idk if you're busy but...up for a call?

        Me--November 10--: Hey Troye, you okay? I haven't gotten a letter from you in a while...

        I know it was probably pointless, but I was actually starting to get worried. What if he actually didn't want to come to Michigan and was afraid to hurt me if he turned me down? What if somehow he found out I'm gay and hates me for it? What if I'm...overthinking everything and really he's just been busy. I sighed and decided to give it one last try.

        Me: I realize I might seem kind of annoying...just making sure you're alright...

        I let out another staggered breath as I pressed send, deciding it would be way over the line to add 'I miss you' at the end. I really did miss him was kind of like a weird withdrawal without him. Without his humor, his random selfies, just HIM. After another few minutes with no reply, I threw my phone down with a groan and put my head in my hands.

        "She's so cute--are you okay Tyler?" Alfie finally seemed to realize my internal struggle as he looked up at me.

        "I'm just fine." I replied coldly and it was quiet for a moment. Suddenly, the bed creaked and I felt a hand on my shoulder.

        "What's going on?" He wondered and I sighed in defeat, putting my hands down. I stared down into my lap, fiddling my thumbs in circles as I tried to think of something to say that wouldn't sound pathetic. Nothing came to mind, I really was pathetic.

        "Troye's not talking to me..." I mumbled and out of the corner of my eye, I could see confusion flood his face. "I'm not sure why but...I'm nervous it has to do with me inviting him to Michigan..." I admitted and he squeezed my shoulder once.

        "I'm sure that's not it at all! Who know's what's going on where he lives! Maybe he dropped his phone in the toilet or something! You have no reason to worry." He pat my back one more time and I stood up. 

        "'re right. I'm going to go use the restroom." I stood up, picking up my phone with me, as he nodded and he finished off the folding. I walked down the hall and locked the door behind me, leaning over the sink and gazing into the mirror. No matter how much I wanted to focus on the positive, I still couldn't help but think of the worst. Even if he wasn't ignoring me, what if he couldn't come to America? I'd be third-wheeling Zoe and Alfie while they slowly fell further in love and I just texted Troye while he got further along with his crush. Damn it...why am I so pessimistic?! 

        Suddenly, I felt my phone buzzing in my pocket. I instantly took it out, almost accidentally dropping it, and then clicked accept. I was so eager to answer it that I didn't realize it was an unknown number until I already accepted it. I hesitantly raised it to my ear.

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