Chapter 56

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Troye's POV:

       "Shut up. I'm tired now." I said in a sigh, but I wasn't really tired, just...overwhelmed. Not in a bad way! My mind was just racing in thoughts. I mean, for fucks sake, I just got Tyler off, what was I supposed to be thinking about? 

       I shut my eyes tight to make it look like I was actually falling asleep, when really sleep was the furthest thing from my mind. First of all, it was kind of obvious Tyler and I were moving fast in our relationship. I mean, we've been barely dating a week and I've already given him a blowjob. It's not like I really had...a problem with it. I didn't, I didn't regret what we did at all! It just was a bit concerning to me, especially since we'd be separated for who knows how long. Oh and that's another thing, the was that going to work out?

       I think we really needed to talk about all this and figure it out before we really leap into anything. Well, we've already fucked that one up...

       I nearly groaned out loud before remembering I was supposed to be asleep. In fact, I could feel Tyler breathing evenly on me, so I knew he was asleep. I took a deep breath and cuddled Tyler closer to me, just enjoying how close he was. We could talk about it tomorrow.


       I let out some incoherent speech as I woke up the next morning, rubbing my eyes and groaning as I stretched my back. Instantly, I picked up my phone and unlocked it, realizing it was still a bit early. I glanced down to find Tyler still sound asleep against me. I bit my lip and carefully tried to leave the bed without waking Tyler up. Fortunately, he was DEEP IN SLEEP, and I got away with no trouble. I stretched again once I stood up and strolled out of the bedroom, after putting on some acceptable pajamas and a robe.

       I was pleased to find my mom sitting in the kitchen with Jackie, while Phan and Zalfie were in the living room watching TV. 

       "Hey!" I whisper-yelled to our moms and they both grinned.

       "Hey Troye, what's up kid?" Jackie greeted and I glanced discreetly back to my bedroom.

       "Um..." I started rubbing the back of my neck with my hand awkwardly. "I have a strange favor, which I probably shouldn't be asking my mom and my boyfriend's mom..." I mumbled and they both quirked their eyebrows. "I'm going to take Tyler on a date today, talk about our relationship and stuff but...I want it to be romantic...I was wondering if I could reserve a table at a restaurant and maybe you two can reserve a bottle of champagne for us...since I can'" I could feel my cheeks getting more and more red by the second. Our parents shared a look and seemed to be having a silent conversation.

       "I don't know Troye..." My mom muttered and I could feel my chest deflate a little.

      "It's not to get drunk, it's just to set a more romantic atmosphere. It doesn't even have to be a bottle, it could be a glass each." I was practically pleading now. Jackie and my mom shared another look, and I couldn't help but notice how Jackie gave a slight shrug. My mom sighed loudly and shook her head.

       "Alright Troye Sivan. But just one bottle! And you're taking a cab home!" She insisted, and I nodded eagerly, grinning brightly. 

       "Yes! Thank you!" I exclaimed, engulfing her in a hug. She tensed up for a second at the surprise embrace and then loosened up, hugging me back. "Alright! Make the call please! I have to go wake Tyler up!" I started hurrying to my room before I froze and turned around again. "Oh! And don't tell him..." I said rather sheepishly now. They giggled and I ran back into the room, basically pouncing on Tyler.

       "Oof!" He exclaimed as his eyes shot open from my unexpected weight.

       "Tilly! Get up get up get up!" I basically yelled. "We have to get ready for later because--Tyler." My voice went from excited to suspicious in five seconds.

       "Yeah..." He mumbled, averting his gaze and his cheeks turned pink.

       "Do you have morning wood?" I questioned slowly and his cheeks got darker. He nodded slowly and glanced back up to me. I narrowed my eyes at him. "Horny fucker." I muttered and then rolled my eyes before rolling off of him. "Okay! Go take a shower, make it particularly cold"--I mentioned and he glared at me--"Then come back! We're gonna have a lazy day and then go on a date later, sound good?" 

       "A date?" He questioned with furrowed eyebrows and I nodded fast.

       "Yep!" I replied, popping the 'p'. "I've got it all planned out."

       "Wait, but if we're having a lazy day first, why do I have to get ready?" He wondered and I almost groaned.

       "Because knowing the both of us, we'll be hurrying to get ready that we'll be rushing to make it on time." I reminded and his light blush told me I was telling the truth. "Come on!" I ushered and he stood up, walking over to the bathroom after I slapped his butt to hurry. Now we wait.

A-N: This chapter was nothing! I just didn't want to not update forever! Next chapter will be the date and I'll have much more motivation for that:) sorry bout this! AND GO CHECK OUT MY NEW TROYLER FICS I UPLOADED

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