Chapter 65

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Tyler's POV:

       I sniffled as I felt the first tear trail down my cheek as I ended the Skype call. God, I am such an asshole. I sniffled again and then again and put my face in my hands, shaking my head.

       "Mom!" I called out. I felt like a child but I didn't care. It only took a few seconds for my mom to come strolling casually into my room.

       "What's up?" She said before her eyes landed on my features and she instantly became concerned. "Ty, what's wrong?" She asked. I moved to sit on the edge of my bed and she sat next to me, wrapping me in her arms. I shook as I cried lightly, shaking my head over and over.

       "I just feel so stressed out." I cried, not even completely sure what I was crying about. "T-Troye got declined from the college he wanted and I feel terrible but I just I feel even worse because the apartment I wanted just got sold and everything else is too expensive and I don't even know if I'm going to college next year..." I started breathing faster and my mom tightened her hold on me.

       "Ty...Ty, calm down it's okay, just breathe." She cooed, rubbing my arm soothingly. "Take one thing at a time." I shook some more and she only held me tighter. "It's okay if you take a year before college, I want you to find the perfect one for you. And, I'm sure Troye will be alright. Los Angeles will be great for him and he'll find some amazing opportunities! As for the apartment, there are thousands of more out there. Besides, if you ever need money I can loan you some. Just calm down, you're thinking too much." She sighed. "This happens at the end of senior year sometimes."

       "I-I'm really nervous." I admitted, and I was being honest. I have been insanely excited to move to LA, but recently I've just been getting more and more anxious over the whole ordeal. I didn't want to do it on my own, which is why I was scared Troye wasn't coming with me. "And I'm being so troublesome towards Troye right now..."

       "Oh shush." My mom scolded but in a sweet tone. "Troye loves you a lot, he'll understand that you're just going through something right now. In fact, he'll be here for you to make you feel better. You just have to explain things to him. Don't leave him in the dark." I shivered once more as I sat up, wiping my nose on my sleeve as I tried to calm down.

      "Okay...thanks..." I mumbled and sniffled again. "I think I'm going to sleep." She nodded and kissed the side of my head before closing the door behind her. I lied down in my bed, but before getting comfy I grabbed my phone from off my bedside table.

       To Babe: I love you too

        I set my phone down by my head and let a sigh, burying my face into my pillows. Sleepiness started to take over, I could feel it weighing me down and slowly pulling me away from reality. Before I had a chance to fully give in to sleep, I felt my phone buzz beside me.

       From Babe: I love you so much. I'm sorry I ever made you doubt that. xx

       I could feel tears begin to prick my eyes again that I made him feel so bad about himself and what he was doing. It's so unfair to him.

       To Babe: Stop apologizing

       To Babe: I understand...

       To Babe: I love you and I'll be supportive of you through everything in LA I promise xx

       I put my phone down again and closed my eyes. My head was still hurting from all the stress on my shoulders but it wasn't as bad as before. 


*Two Week Time Skip*

       Senior's were bustling around us in multiple lines, all waiting to sign up for their caps and gowns while I stood with all my friends.

       "So, what are you guys up to after school ends?" Colleen asked and I rolled my eyes while the others chuckled nervously.

       "A whole bunch of moving apparently." Marcus muttered while wrapping his arm tighter around Niomi. I furrowed my eyebrows at his statement. I didn't know anyone else was moving. "Niomi and I are trying to find somewhere to move." Alfie coughed awkwardly and rubbed the back of his neck. 

       "I um...I haven't exactly told you guys yet but Zoe and I are moving to Brighton in July." He said and everyone stared at him incredulously.

       "That's...that's incredible Alfie." I replied in awe and he grinned bashfully.

       "Yeah I'm really happy about it and about her...she found some beauty store to work in there and I'm still looking but I don't care right now." He chuckled and I smiled.

       "Actually, along with that..." Caspar added and I raised an eyebrow as he stepped forward. "I'm moving to London." My jaw dropped in surprise again, but this time my mind couldn't process what he was saying. I don't think Caspar has even been to London. What the hell? "Um yeah so I've been looking for apartments in Michigan but then recently I was talking to Zoe over the phone and she gave me her brother, Joe's, number and he said his house has an extra room and they are looking for another person to live there to help" We all laughed quietly at this and I gave him a pat on the back, still not entirely sure about the whole thing. Caspar and Joe would get along though, I knew that. 

       "Tyler? What about you?" I turned to look at Colleen who was giving me an encouraging smile.

       The past two weeks have been weird. Troye and I narrowed down our look to two apartments, but we couldn't decide which one to pick. One was under our price range, but only had a bedroom, bathroom, and small connected kitchen-living room. The other one was a little above our price range but had a bedroom, two bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room, and an office. I was trying to convince Troye to choose the one a little above our price range, since our range was really for safety but we could handle the slightly bigger one. Besides the apartments though, Troye and I have been a little awkward. We haven't been fighting really, we just have been more...careful around each other? But being careful led to long awkward silences or a lot of stuttering. It was scaring me, but our plans hadn't changed. Troye would be coming here in August and then we'd move down to LA. It was still a while though of awkward Skype calls.

       "Um...Troye will be here in August and then we are moving to Los Angeles." I explained and they all cheered quietly again.

       "You know, I remember at the beginning of the year when you just had the biggest crush on him but wouldn't admit it." Hannah mentioned and I could feel my cheeks heat up at her reminder. 

       "Yeah..." I muttered with a small smile. "I remember too..." 

A-N: There's a reason why this chapter was short and why there was a time skip and stuff I swear it all makes sense in next chapter;) Mkay bubye lovelies please comment

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