Chapter 71

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I'm not sure if you can see this image but if you can just look at the way Troye is staring at Tyler like it looks like he turned to Tyler and everything around him disappeared and all that matter's is Tyler's right in front of him and he can see his eyes and Troye is so grateful to have this wonderful man next to him in his life...I'm dying I need to take a break from fanfiction XD but I won't

Lots of sex talk in this chapter

Troye's POV:

       "Tyler I absolutely hate America." I complained as I walked through the front door of the house holding our groceries. He giggled from where he was seated on the couch reading from a magazine.

       "Why baby?" He wondered as I set the bags in the kitchen before leaning on the doorframe to look at him.

       "Because apparently I'm not old enough to buy my own alcoholic drinks." I reminded and he grinned. "When you live in a house like my own, you can't wait to move out so you can just buy your own drinks but I STILL CAN'T." I trudged over to the couch and plopped down next to him. He laughed at my disappointment and I rolled my eyes.

       "Well if I meet someone who's older than me, I'll ask them to buy us some stuff. I'm sure I'll meet someone at my college." Oh, right. I nearly forgot Tyler got accepted into one of the nearby colleges. It was actually a really amazing college really and he was going for a degree in communication, which I thought was just great for him. I'd miss having him around the house though, since I was focusing more on my career than a school right now.

       "Right so we can throw house parties and get totally wasted." I joked and he pushed me to the side a little, laughing.

       "I've only been drunk a few times before and none were very pleasant." He mentioned and I rolled my eyes, I already heard of all the times he was drunk. He also knew I've only been drunk once before.

       "Well, I don't think I'd want to get drunk with you that often. It'd just mean less fooling around." I mumbled and he raised his eyebrows.

       "What?" He questioned with a grin, completely surprised by my statement.

       "I'm not doing anything when you're drunk!" I replied and he chuckled.

       "I know, we've just never talked about sex before." He muttered and suddenly I felt very very very awkward.

       "Oh. Yeah." I responded and we both grew quiet, and a thought sparked in my mind. "Hey Ty, I've been meaning to ask you...are you like...for sex?" I asked meekly and his eyes widened in amusement.

       "Excuse me?" He replied, stifling laughter.

       "I mean, like, are you for sex, against sex..." I trailed off, cheeks growing redder by the second.

       "Are you trying to ask me if I'm asexual or something?" He wondered, chuckling lightly.

       "I just want you to be comfortable!" I defended.

       "Troye you literally gave me a blowjob a few days ago." He reminded and I shrugged.

       "I don't know...I just don't want to...I..." I bit my lip to hide my embarrassment and he threw his head back into his loud cackle. He then moved over to me and put a knee on either side of my lap, placing his hands on my shoulders. He giggled while shaking his head.

       "Yes, I am very much interested in sex and I am very much interested in you." He assured, leaning forward to trail light kisses up my jaw. I smiled and put my hands on his hips.

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