Chapter 16

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A-N: I just want to say a warning there is a harsh scene in this chapter so if you have any bad memories or anything with parents discrimmination against gays, I would skip ahead and read the author's note at the end. Just in case:) Want you all to be okay

Troye's POV:

        "Troye! Dinner!" My mom yelled for the third time.

        "I'll be down in a minute!" I called out my bedroom door. I had been locked up in my room scheming ways to ask my parents if I can go to America. It's not like asking to go to the next down earlier, this is a place where they could never reach me. I had been pacing around for a little bit, trying to get my thought's straight, but I couldn't think of one possible scenario to let me go. Only one thought came to mind that might actually help me. I pulled out my nearly dead phone and pressed onto the contacts. The phone rang once before it picked up; typical.

        "Hello?" Zoe greeted questioningly. I mean, I guess it made sense. I never called her and I don't think anyone would think of me as the incredibly social guy who called girls one his free time.

        "H-Hey Zoe I sort of need your advice..." I pleaded in a whisper-yell. I wasn't even sure exactly what I needed advice on. How to ask my parents? Should I go at all?

        "Of course Troye. What's going on?" She wondered and I let out a staggered breath.

        "Uh so I was talking to Tyler today and...well...he invited me to America for Christmas..." I explained as I raked a hanf through my hair, moving to sit on the seat by my desk.

        "Oh no it's happening to you too?" She asked with a pityful voice. "What are you going to do?" 

        "I...I don't know. Ask my parents I guess but they're going to say no for sure and"--I started off but a heard a sigh on her end.

        "You don't know that. Maybe they'll say yes." She motivated but I just shook my head as I looked down into my lap.

        "Yes I do. They're wonderful parents but they're so protective." I continued.

        "Well...some of the most strict and protective parents will still say yes..." She whispered, but she sounded dazed, as though she was talking to yourself. I furrowed my eyebrows as I thought hard at what she could be getting at. My jaw dropped as everything clicked into place.

        "Wait a second! Are you actually going to America?!" I exclaimed, eyes wide and mouth still hanging open. If she was going to America then that meant--oh gosh. She's not going England.

        "I just had a long talk with my dad and I told him how if he didn't let me go to England he would be crushing my life's dreams. I also told him though that I wanted a better love than my parents had, and I truly think I can find that with Alfie. He kept resisting for a while until finally I kind of blew up on him and he agreed. So...yeah. I'm going." She giggled at the end, eagerness filling her words. My mouth opened and closed multiple times. 

        "W-Wow..." I stuttered, playing with the hem of my shirt. I groaned. "But that's the thing! You have reasons to go! I don't! You have feelings for Alfie, you could make something out of those feelings! If I went to America, I'd just be going to go! They'd never take that seriously." I complained and now it was her turn to groan.

        "What if you lie and tell them you have feelings for Tyler?" She suggested in an irritated voice and I gulped hard.

        " know I'm not out to them yet..." I whispered and the line went silent.

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